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Living in The Netherlands

Ellen B.

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Suppose you've got cancer (no matter what kind of cancer).

And suppose you're living in Holland.

Suppose you need pills. Cheap pills or expensive pills. Okay, you'll be able to get them. Your insurance company will pay. No problem.

But now, suppose that the best (or only) treatment for you isn't pills but medicines that are administered by IV. Will you be able to get them?

Maybe. But if these medicines are rather expensive, you may not be able to get them at all.

Why not? Because your hospital isn't allowed to charge you or your insurance company for more than 75% of the costs of those medicines.

Don't blame the insurance companies, it's government rules that makes it impossible to charge for more then 75%! So, most hospitals will not be able to give you the medicines. Medicines that could possibly save or prolong your life!

Why don't people protest? Well, sometimes they do, but most people don't even know that these medicines are available!

I'm so angry about this!


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Dear Ellen

You are right to be angry. Here in the Uk there have been issues with very expensive cancer drugs.

What has worked in some cases is that patients have threatened to take health authorities to court under the European Human Rights Act which gives individual"the right to life". The authorities have then caved in rather than fight a battle in the European Courts. Drug companies also give drugs on a compasionate basis sometimes.


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Ellen i can not say i understand your problem's over there as it appear's from what i've read that the Netherland's along with the Dane's and swedes and Fin's are haveing a social break down. Something like 3% only go to church reguraly now and all the other acceptable vice's going on. I would venture too say it is all having a terrible burden on the Health cost over there. I agree with Donna when she said socialized Medicine is not all it's suppose to be (donna did i get that right). I do hope for your sake and all other's in need that a solution is found soon....

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Of course there are problems with socialized medicine, I have to agree with that. Yes the first oncologist we saw we had a huge problem with but since we have received good treatment and no cost.

I cannot say that in future there will not be problems but whatever system you live in there are problems as reading posts on this board testifies.

You need to be well up on what is available and persistant whereever you live.


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Hi all,

Thanks for the replies.

No system is perfect. I know.

Jennie, it was on TV today: some docs will advise you to go to London to get the proper treatment!

There is much attention to the 'problem' right now, so I hope it will change. The sooner, the better!


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Am aware of the British problem (the woman with breast cancer makes the news here),but didn't know the situation was similar in the Netherlands.

May I very seriously suggest that you consider heading south for treatment. As a citizen or resident of an EU country, you would have no problem receiving care in France. Many English do just that.

Our system is running on a growing deficit, but top rate care remains available to everyone and that includes expensive medicine administered by IV.


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