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medi port


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I'm getting one Monday. They tell me there's not much to it, and people who have or have had one say about the same. I've made it a LONG time without one, because almost all of my chemo has been oral, but with the new drug I'll be taking (entering a trial next week) I'll have to give in and have a port!

You let me know how yours goes tomorrow, so I'll have time to run away before my appointment Monday, ok? :roll:


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You have to stop being so scared!!!!! I didn't feel a thing when mine was put in except for a little pressure at the time. Afterwards it is covered by a band aid and hurts no more than a minor cut. Come on girl....enjoy life stop looking for the worst. If you keep this up you will make yourself sick. Seriously, you might consider seeking some counseling to help overcome your fears.

Here for ya


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My husband had no problem with his. It is much easier than accessing a vein for chemo. You will be fine. There is a cream you can ask for that will numb your port before they use it for chemo. You apply it one hour ahead of time and you won't feel a thing.

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My mediport has been great. I was under anesthesia when it was put in so didn't feel a thing. It is in a muscle pocket in my upper arm. It has never bothered me or limited my activity. I still hoe weeds, lift boxes, hold babies, etc. I really like it a lot. One thing I do not like is I have to take 1 mg of warfarin (coumadin) for keeping the blood thinner since the tube is in my artery. That is probably better than having the veins and arteries break down due to chemo drugs. Guess it depends on what bugs people the most. Being positive is a very important part of fighting cancer. A positive attitude helps make good chemicals in the body so really work on being upbeat. praying for you. pammie

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Now see there -- if Lucie can do it, WE can do this too!

I'm a fairly tough ol' buzzard, so I doubt I'll have a problem with it. The first time you have anything done that you're not familiar with, it's scary, for sure. I usually have it all built up in my mind as being SO bad before I get there, so by the time I have it done, it turns out to be nothing!

Oh well. I'm actually looking forward to getting through next week so I can get started in this trial after Thanksgiving. The timing is perfect -- so much to be thankful for this year, and having Thanksgiving fall right at this time is great.


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just got home from getting my port,you were right Jim,not too bad.kinda sore now,my son will pick up my tylenol with codein after he gets done work.Not to worry Di,Im the biggest coward ever,I get so scared too.now i have to keep it covered 24 hrs,and surgeon wants to see me in a week or 2.I was out in 1 1/2 hrs.sore but not so bad.Glad i listened to Jim and the rest of the friends I found here.


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I'm in for a day of it -- have to report at 8:00 a.m., and an Interventional Radiologist will insert the port with CT guidance, then they will do the MUGA test right after the port is done.

It was an Interventional Radiologist who did my CT guided liver biopsy, and he was great. I'm hoping to get the same doc, but he was retiring this year, so may not be there now. Oh well.

It's nice having people to ask about things before you have them. It gives you an idea about what to expect.

Glad your procedure went well and that it's all over for you! My challenge will be keeping the cat from walking all over me after mine is put in!


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Minne was put in over my left lung. It rested right where my seat belt goes, if I am driving. It was annoying for a while but eventually went away. Boy, do not forget the cream at least for the frist several infusions. You will never feel a thing. I have had mine 3.5 years.

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DEb got hers a while ago and she said that they take you into a room that looks like a fishing bait shop with all the wires and hooks on the walls. Iwasn't there to verifybut it sounds funny. Hers didn't hurt and is great; Keep it fflushed and that will keep it clean on the inside. good luck

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DEb got hers a while ago and she said that they take you into a room that looks like a fishing bait shop with all the wires and hooks on the walls. Iwasn't there to verifybut it sounds funny. Hers didn't hurt and is great; Keep it fflushed and that will keep it clean on the inside. good luck

RSW. How do you keep it flushed?

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