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Thanks you all so very much.


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I recently lost Margaret to SCLC. I was able to hold it together until the last moments, at which point I just lost all control. I couldn't speak because of the loud sobbing which overcame me. Even now I cry, just thinking of those moments.

It helped me so much to read the simple and sincere expressions of comfort from other members of this forum. I wasn't aware of how comforting they could be. I want to help others facing the same dark tragedy.

My deepest thanks to all of you.

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Dear Mainecoon,

I SO understand what you are saying. I think what you wrote about your wife in the last post was as beautiful as she is.

"When I am at the end of my days I will not fear death. I know I will see Margaret awaiting me, vibrant and smiling. And I will run to take her into my arms. Then we will be together in eternal springtime.

To me that will truly be paradise."


Hugs, Shelly

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I have looked for your posts daily, as I have been quite worried about you. I was so moved by your loss. I appreciate your sharing this experience with us. I sobbed with you as I read your post and still choke back the tears now. Your story has touched so many of us here, as most here are going through something very similar. How beautiful your wife looks in the picture! I heart is heavy for your loss.

Jack had written you a long letter, but errased it when I walked in. It scares him at the thought of losing me, and he can so relate to you. Do know that you have helped many people on this board not fear death as much! I am one of them. Margaret went so peacefully. Please stay with us, continue to help people through this journey! The wisdom you share with others can only be obtained by a man who has walked steadfast in your shoes!

Cheryl and Jack

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Dear Maine,

I don't think I ever told you how very sorry I am about your beautiful Margaret. How wonderful though that she knew how deeply she was loved and how much she will be missed. She was a beautiful and lucky lady.

Please accept my deepest sympathy and my prayers for your peace and comfort.

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Maincoon, I am also so sorry for you loss of your Margaret. I am glad that you posted her picture, it looks like she is 'toasting' to something-it looks like a happy picture. Your posts were truly moving, and your love so beautifully described in your words. Deb

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You so quickly became part of this family and I looked forward to seeing your posts everytime I came here and when there was no post I worried about what was going on with you. I hope time is helping you heal. Margaret must have been quite some lady. Her picture is wonderful - it is nice to see it! Please keep posting.

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I am so sorry for your loss. I had been wondering how you were. I don't often read the Grieving forum as it is so painful so I missed the first post. I am glad you will be taking advantage of the grief counseling. I love the picture you posted, and the wonderful tribute to your wife.

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