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A new cure??????


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Hey all,

Not sure if this has been discussed on here previously, but I read in my local paper over here that Australian researchers have developed a drug to cure aggressive cancers.

The drug is called Tirapazamine and has been used in clinical trials for advanced head and neck cancer. They are saying there is hope it could be used to treat lung cancer.

The exciting thing is that it is curing patients not just treating them!!!!!

It is administered by injection, sounds too easy!!!

Apparently they are making it available next year.

Just thought I would pass this on,


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This "new " information was published in... 1998?

Well, there ARE many new compounds coming through the approval pipeline, and many new combinations found to be extraordinarily effective.

I'll put in a prayer here for all the researchers working 70-90 hours a week trying to find cures for some of these cancers....almost like snowflakes, none are identical...



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I really didnt like any of the options my oncologist was giving me. He said "Barbara, if there was a pill that you could take (I think he said once a week) that would give you the benefit of all the therapy now available, would you take it?"

I said "You bet!" Then he said that there were 3 pills right now (well, only 2 because 1 had been excluded) that were being tested, and in probably 5 years they would be available. I don't know what they are, but there is still some hope out there!

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http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/aus ... 02640.html

An Australian-developed cancer drug that is dramatically improving survival rates could be available to the public within 12 months.

Tirapazamine had already cured humans suffering neck and head cancers, and could be used for lung, throat and cervical tumours, Fairfax newspapers reported.

Researchers say Olympic gold medallist Cathy Freeman's former husband, Sandy Bodecker, had used the drug and made a full recovery from what was diagnosed as inoperable throat cancer.

Professor Lester Peters, a world leader in cancer research from the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne, is leading the drug's trial.

He told Fairfax the drug could be "a cure, but not in everyone".

"But a huge proportion of patients have had their tumours eradicated if they've been treated with this drug."

Prof Peters said tirapazamine worked by targeting cancer cells that were starved of oxygen, which were typically resistant to conventional treatment and particularly malignant.

The drug is used with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Fairfax said the second stage of the human trials, involving 550 patients around the world, was under way and should be finished by June.

If the final stage is successful, the drug can then be registered by the US Food and Drug Administration.

© 2005 AAP

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