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To those affected by the black out NY etc

Donna G

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Here's my blackout story:

I am on my way to the store to pick up my husband's Iressa just as the power goes out with all 3 kids. I get there and they are not letting anyone in. I explain to the kid at the door I need to get into the pharmacy for a perscription my husband has to have (he was out). He says the pharmacy staff just left. So I start to leave and I think I've got to have this, who knows when they'll open up again. So I go to the next door, ask a kid to get me a manager that I have a perscription all ready, I just need to pick it up. He walks me in with a flashlight (lucky them their generator failed and it was pitch dark) to the pharmacy area and there are all the pharmacy people still there! Got the medication!

I think my husband will remember to order his Iressa sooner from now on.

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Thanks Donna,

Just wanted to share a thought.

We should have a national blackout day. It was so nice to see people outside in groups just enjoying each other because there was nothing else to do. No one had to be anywhere, because there was nowhere to go. We were at the hospital when it happened, that was scary, just wished the air condition would work so my dad could get somewhat comfortable. Hopefully its back as I write this. I think I will call the hospital to see.

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Glad to be back , had a rough time as I have a another bloody(not really bloody but the british form of the word cause we can't say damn here) respitory infection so breathing wasn't an easy task, today we put the air conditioning back on( hope we don't get arrested). Forgot and rinsed my mouth out with tap water today , rinsed with lots of listerine afterwards. And like Cathy I shot the breeze in a breeze with one our neighbors, also drove thru Ry's town on the way to my moms and saw huge lines of cars at the gas pumps , haven't seen anything like that since the Jimmy Carter days, Glad to be powered up again, got to make a better diaster list as we almost didn't have enough water either. I feel like I'm Chatty Cathy(the doll) tonight must be the steroids.

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