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Hi all....it has been a while


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Hi everyone,

I haven't posted in a long time. I moved in January and then have been busy with school. I see that we have a lot of new members; happy to see that people are finding this site but sad to know that there is a need still. It broke my heart to see that we have lost some very special people, but it is of great comfort to know that many of our survivors are still kickin' cancers butt! Glad to be back.

**Thanks Pat for thinking of me.


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You and your Dad were an inspiration to me when I first joined. I hope you are doing well, and you get through school soon! All of your hard work will pay off. But I know how demanding school is of your time. If it were just sitting in class it would be a piece of cake, but it's not, there is so much work involved. Good luck and take care Kathi!

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Kathi...it is so good to hear from you. I have thought of you so many times. I know you're doing just great with school. I'm so proud of you and all you are accomplishing! Please keep in touch as you can.

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