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Getting to Lnow You - September 4


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The one person that came to mind that I need to forgive is my old boss, who basically did all he could to destroy me and damage my career, before he transferred. I know that sounds really dramatic, but without going into all the details, its true. Although I was next in line to the top position, he managed to fast track someone that wasn't. My only crime was that I was a strong woman, and he didn't like strong women, or managers that wouldn't go along with whatever he said, without question, even if it meant bullying people out the door or harassing them in the workplace, just because he perceived them as some sort of threat. Working for him was like living with an abusive man. He was an evil man, and I don't really call people 'evil', but he was.

So before I go on and on and end up typing the whole boring 'woe is me' story, I guess in this case I am not a forgiving person because if I fantasize about running him over in the parking lot, I find myself smiling. The depth of the damage he did to me- career wise, money-wise, most importantly emotionally, was immense. So I have no game plan for forgiving him, I just feel that some things cannot be forgiven, nor should they be.

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Of course there have been people in my life that have done me 'dirty'. My first husband to name the absolute biggest jerk. But, life is too short (as well documented here) to harbor revenge or hate or anger. Somehow I learned how to let it roll off my back. So for those that have done something for which I should offer forgiveness, get over it, I have long ago forgotten about you.

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Don't get me started...

some things cannot be forgiven, especially when people make no attempt to show remorse or make things right. It is one thing if people admit what they have done and make an attempt to rectify things--it is another when they just expect to walk all over you and you will take it. Ack! Like I said, don't get me started.

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some things cannot be forgiven, especially when people make no attempt to show remorse or make things right. It is one thing if people admit what they have done and make an attempt to rectify things--it is another when they just expect to walk all over you and you will take it.

I agree with Ry 100%


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My students and I were talking about this the other day. It is SO hard to forgive someone who doesn't ask for forgiveness or doesn't think they've done something wrong. I have a VERY hard time when someone has wronged my family. The good news is, I have to think hard to think of those specific examples. I agree with the 'forget them and move on' notion.

But I usually have to get a good vent going before I can get there.

:) Kelly

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