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Looking for other Stage IV "BAC" with nodules in b


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First Andrea I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. Well here I am in the flesh. My take and I tell everyone if one is going to get lung cancer at stage IV BAC is the one based on everything I know and understand. It is very slow in developing, may or may not metastasize out side the original site. With the exception of my (see my profile, hope you don't fall asleep reading it :roll:) first chemo treatments everyone has worked. They were and are still in both lungs. They come, they go, the get bigger, they get smaller, and they do the hippie hippie shake. I thing being very pro-active with treatments, staying positive and learning to adjust is very important. Focus on living, not dying, on what one can do, not what one cannot do. Of course, everyone is different, reacts differently and looks at things differently. Bottom line if you throw in my other entire *ss aches and BAC lung cancer it is doable and there is still plenty of life to live. If you want to talk anytime pm and I will give you my telephone number.

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I'm not sure about where Tarceva is in first line of treatment. I'm sure someone else will come along who understands the protocol better. I believe TraceyD started out with Tarceva in trial. Also going out to there website (Tarceva) they have it posted about Tarceva (Novel therapies

Novel therapies include HER1/EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, including FDA-approved Tarceva (erlotinib) tablets which are taken orally once a day. Tarceva is a HER1/EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor and is indicated for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer after failure of at least one prior chemotherapy regimen) protocol. Below is some info on it. I was on Tarceva for 16 months and had great success with it and I still have option in trials also. Hope this helps. Prayers for the best.

PS: Tell your mom I put on my cape, got on top of the dinning room table and leaped off. I went down faster then the Titantic. Hero no just a guy trying to help. :)

www.tarceva.com (Tarceva Home Page)

http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/ ... atment.jsp (Treatment Options)

http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/ ... rapies.jsp (Tarceva as a Targeted Treatment)

http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/ ... nefits.jsp (Possible Benefits of Tarceva)

http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/ ... safety.jsp (Safety Information)

http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/ ... paring.jsp (Preparing To Meet With Your Doctor)

http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/ ... inical.jsp (Clinical Trial Information)

http://www.tarceva.com/tarceva/patient/ ... ng/faq.jsp (Tarceva Frequently Asked Questions)

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BAC is the only lung cancer that they consider doing a lung transplant. I know this because Tony's surgeon was on that team at Loyola and I pressed him hard about the possibilities for Tony before they determined his was Adenocarcinoma. He was not a candidate. I know this is all experimental stuff, but what the heck, it's worth a shot. I really haven't followed any progress about transplants because it didn't apply to Tony.

Best of Luck,


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Hi Andrea,

I have BAC in both lungs (about a dozen nodules). I was originally diagnosed almost 3 years ago (10/2/03)I feel fine....am working full time, and have no real symptoms. I even ran a 10k a couple of months ago.

It is suppose to be very slow growing, and they are making advancements quickly in this area. So there is PLENTY of hope for sure !

I believe that Hebbie represents as bi-Lateral BAC as well, and Lisa O as Ry mentioned.


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