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Drippy nose


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This forum has been so incredibly helpful with my other issues, I wonder if anyone has experience with this.

I've been taking Tarceva for almost two months. It seems to have cleared visible metastases that were in my lung and no new problems are occuring.

But about a week after starting the Tarceva, my nose started to drip. So this has been going on for many weeks. It runs clear fluid, like a nose bleed, out my nostrils and also becomes a post nasal drip that causes significant coughing.

I've been taking Sudafed as a decongestant, and that helps somewhat. It stops the involuntary dripping and cause the fluid to coagulate into clumps of mucus. Some of those, of course, drip down into my esophagus, causing coughing, but much less frequently than before.

My doc thinks it's a Tarceva side effect, but we don't really know. Has anyone else experienced this?

Any suggestions?

Thanks much,


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Tony's nose has been dripping since he started chemo. It's still dripping and he's on Tarceva. He says, "I be drippy too, Joe" to you. :D

Question for you Joe, how does the doctor know your Tarceva is working already? Has he run tests, etc? Just curious, because we have no idea yet and Doc won't run tests again until November. :?


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Isn't that interresting.

Lisa had the nose drip for 6 mos. until she started Tarceva. It gradually slowed over the last 2 months and now it seems to be only allergy and weather related. Trying to think what else has changed and can only think that it might be the extra antioxydants that she is taking to help repair the lung damage caused by the cancer, radiation, and chemo. Antioxidants have been shown to reverse irreversible lung fibrosis and scaring in latest research tests.

Also would like to know what your doctor is basing progress on. In the office all we can get is from the stethoscope that things sound about the same, areas of good moving air and areas of low moving air.

Cat Scans in 2 weeks of the chest. He didn't order scans of head or liver. His reasoning is if Tarveva is working in the lungs, it will be working everywhere. Some surgeons now believe that Tarceva can pass the blood/brain barrier and they use it after brain surgery in lew of more invasive chemo.

Take care happily - Chanwit

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I have been on Tarceva for over a year. I have a slight problem with nasal drip. I was given a nasal spray I use before bed and it helps. I don’t have the name here at work, but when I get home I will mail you the name. I have very little side effects from the Tarceva. If I slack off on my water I will get a slight soar throat in the morning. If I slack off on my exercise my legs will itch a little. Both of these clear up with exercise and water. I try to drink an 8oz glass of water for every hour I am awake. Hope this helps.


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The name of the nasal spray is Fluticasone Propionate 50mcg. I was told to spray one or twice in each nostril in the PM and am. I have just been spraying in the PM. I did not associate it with the Tarceva until I saw your post. I don't really get a dripping nose during the day, but I think it drips down my throat and I get an occasional cough. You can ask your doc about it maybe it will work for you. I am going to try it in the am and see what happens.


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Joe I've been on Tarceva for awhile and I also have a drippy nose. I have allergies and just thought they were really really bad this year. Never connected it to the Tarceva.

I also have side effects that when I stop the Tarceva , they go away , like bad dreams and interrupted sleep, as well as a rash.

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  • 2 months later...

I've been on 150 mg of Tarceva for around three months. I had a CT scan a couple of weeks ago that showed no visible lesions in my lungs or liver where there had been metastases before. Miraculous stuff.

My nose drip is reasonably controlled by the generic version of Flonase, but the famous Tarceva rash is getting quite severe for me.

I have severe pimples from scalp to soles, with painful dryness and white heads around my mouth. I use Vasoline around my mouth, and that helps a little.

The pimples with white heads are especially annoying on my arms and scrotum, of all silly places.

Early on, Chanwit pointed me toward Cetaphil, and that worked well for a while. Now it actually aggravates the rash. I've just read some of the suggestions of many of you and those of Dr. West, and I'll talk to my oncologist. But any other sugestions are gratefully appreciated.

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful sharing. I hope you are all having wonderful holidays and will have a happy and really healthy 2007.


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I'm sure drips come from all sorts of things. I assume mine came from the Tarceva because it started shortly after I started taking that drug. But that might be a bad assumption. For example, I recently had a pain in my stomach, and both my oncologist and I assumed that it had something to do with my lung cancer. A couple of tests ruled out the most obvious cancer-related causes (and also ruled out gall bladder or pancreas problems), and the pain disappeared by itself in a few days. As the oncologist said, having cancer doesn't give you a pass on stomach flu.

I'll be interested in seeing how the rash reacts as I sweat. Right now, I have problems exercising hard enough to sweat because I have numb feet, most likely a left over side effect from a long past chemo. In any case, the numbness is gradually fading, and I am now able to try to get back in shape. I'm hoping I'll get to test the sweat idea in a couple of weeks. Thanks for the suggestion.


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A couple of weeks before Christmas I began having a very drippy nose , like I'd never had before. I haven't been on chemo for a few months. When I was on Chemo it wasn't Tarceva.

Along with the effussive drippy nose I had a lot of power sneezing. It developed into a cold after a few days with lots of Nose Nuisance and my lungs and I haven't fully recovered yet.

I cough more when I talk and it's hard for women not to talk.

I began getting some blood when I'd blow my nose in the morning and then I heard an NPR article on Christmas buns that Cinnamon was a blood thinner and I'd been using cinnamon more then. I've temporarily quit using cinnamon and cut back a little on some other natural things that keep our blood from clotting when it shouldn't which include good healthy olive oil, the salicylate fruits, garlic and onions. I've upped my dark greens which Googling said balance out the blood thinners. In a couple of days the blood spots stuff just happened to go away.

I plan to soon go back to enjoying more olive oil etc. I've used it for years before with no problem.

This info may be worth as much as it has cost you. No guarantee for others.

Elaine W



What is the upside-down disease?

Answer: Your feet smell and your nose runs.

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