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Since my mom has not been given an exact diagnosis as to the specific type of lung cancer she has, I thought I would continue to post on this section of the message board.

My mom called today and here is what the Dr. told her the results of her Bronchoscopy were:


2)The cells look like it could be a mixture of Lymphoma and/or Small Cell.

3) The tumors are not in the lungs, but on top of them pressing against the trachea (sp).

4) She is seeing a surgeon tomorrow who is going to schedule a biopsy where they will raise her breast bone so they can get a better look and I guess get a better biopsy.

My question is, has anyone had this happen to them or a loved one? I am a little confused and am hoping someone could share anything with me similar to this.



Sorry I don't have any answers Sawyer, but wanted to offer my prayers and kudos to you for being a GREAT advocate for your mom. Please remember to take good care of yourself through all this. :wink:


Gosh, Sawyer I don't have any answers to your questions either :cry: but someone should be along to either answer your questions or at least share experiences that may be similar.

We do have a section: to ask a physician..do check that area out because that may be a good way to go, too. I *think* I have the name incorrect but if you look around the index you will find what I am referring to.

Many prayers for some answers, Sawyer and I know how difficult the *waiting* can be.

Your mom is so lucky to have you!



I don't have an answer for you, but I would start thinking about a second opinion. It helps when it comes to making decisions about treatment.

Stay positive, :lol:



My dad's tumor was not in his lungs either. It was essentially right between them. He was able to get a diagnosis by biopsy...however, it sounds like because of the placement of the tumor in your situation, that they need to do something else to get better results.

While this is scary, it is essential. The treatment options are so very, very different depending on what they find in a biopsy. In addition, small cell grows so fast, that you don't want to wait around for information...if you find it to be small cell, you want to start treatment asap.

Let us know what you find out, and know we are here for you.

God bless,



My father was given a bronchoscopy and was told that it was negative. We all thanked God and thought it was over. Six months later, he woke up to find the left side of his neck swollen. We then discovered after a biopsy that the shadow on his lungs was in fact cancer and now it had spread throughout the lymph nodes and mediastinum :( . It's good that your loved one's doctor is doing a biopsy right away. I wish we would have gotten one.

When they did a scan of my dad's chest they at first thought it was lymphoma but rulled it out after the biopsy and said it was adenocarcinoma. Yet, they still do not know where the primary tumor is, so they are treating it like lung cancer. I know that a diagnosis can be frightening enough as it is but when there are questions still in the air, it is even more frustrating.

I would post a question on Dr. West's website onctalk.com and ask any questions you may have. He is pretty prompt with his responses. I hope everything works out.




I would also tell them to get a big enough piece that will allow you to create extra unstained slides to send off to other places for a 2nd opinion.

You're just going to have to be patient with the diagnosis. I wouldn't get too wrapped up in their names and categories. Keep in mind that one important element, an element they can't measure, is the strength and reslience of your mom.

Good luck,


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