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I had my scans done and I am in remission but the doctor keeps doing chemo and I was wondering why?

It seems like I ask him something and don't get an answer as to why? I am just getting weaker.



Good news that you are in remission. After I went into remission I have continued to take Tarceva. It is thought that this may keep it from comming back. Avastin is another drug that they have continued with after remission. It is for preventive reasons.

Stay positive, :)




Judging from your profile it appears that you have only received 2-3 cycles of chemo. Typically they go 4-6 cycles in a round. Your Onc. may be continuing to make sure microscopic cancer cells in your system are zapped. These don't show on a CAT or PET scan. I'd sure rather be safe than sorry.Good question to ask our Dr. West on his website.

Sounds like you are doing a great job of getting this under control. Good for you!




My dad had the same thing. One of the ways she described it to us was that cancer can exist in the smallest, tiniest, particle, which they want to get with the chemo as well. For example, my dad had a form of whole brain radiation, called PCI, in order to fend off brain mets. He had nothing in the brain (except what should be there :D ) but it was a way to "kill" the tiniest things they cannot detect on scans of any kind.

Congrats on the remission! Make it through this chemo, and you should do great!



I too am going through chemo and my recurrence it in my mediastium area, I was told chemo is for any microscopic cancer cells that are to young and not showing up. Im greatful that this time around chemo is being done. I feel pretty sure thats is what they are doing with you case. Good luck

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