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Early Dectection - So Fortunate

Guest dsrtrat011

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Guest dsrtrat011

Visited with pulmonologist today and he is still talking about "cure" with a huge grin when he says it. The biggest contributor to that possibility has been the early detection of the tumor. While I have lost two thirds of my right lung, that is a small price to pay for life. Thanks again to all for the support of this site 'cause there are still hurdles to be crossed before I will be convinced.

BTW Gave up the daily cigar so, at this point, have gotten smoke free for the first time in 50 years.

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I remember your first post or two. WOW!!!!! Lots has happened and for the GOOD. I am glad you have the surgery behind you and that word 'cure' is music to my ears. I am so glad you let us know. Please keep us posted....some of us really follow those who post here and like keeping up with their progress. Don't be a stranger.


PS: Good luck as you continue to recuperate. You'll be off the O2 real soon!

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