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So many issues!


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Iam still an infant in posting, but the things that are happening so fast are enormous. My husband can not swallow, so we go for a gi series, stomach olsers, blah, blah, ok, no food going down. another test while he is swallowing, his mussels are not opening to allow the liquid, or anthing else to go , but a triccle, ok now what. dirnk a sip, then swallow, swallow, and swalle again. Just to get an ensure down takes at leat an hour. give him baby food, i small jar takes an hour. Oh my god, the weight is coming off like you would not believe.

Fast foward, ct scan scheduled, how will he drink all that? 3/15 It takes hours for the scan, cause he cannot get it down. He is home now, what an awfull day, no food, unable, 1 ensure, and 1 morfine tablet because he is holding his head again. He never takes the morphine, he hate it, it bindes him up. He tolf me he is sick of being sick. I have just about had enough of him being sick of being sick. This is horrible!

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My Dad was just taken to the hospital because he was having extereme trouble swallowing. They said that the tumor is pressing on his esophagus and they are going to put a stent in today (hopefully). Maybe your husban's issues have to do with the esophagus. My Dad also has bad acid reflux and they are hoping this will resolve that issue as well. If your husband's lymph nodes are involved, maybe the tumor there is pressing on the esophagus.

Hope you can figure this out and resolve it. Sorry you are going through this--I think we can all relate to "being sick of being sick."

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I know this is probably not what you want to hear but it would help him greatly to have a feeding tube put in. Others have had to do this temporarily to get nourishment during radiation treatment. It is an easy procedure (a tube in the stomach) then he can get something in to get his weight up and keep him healthy. I think you should ask about it otherwise he is going to become severely dehydrated and malnourished.

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A feeding tube sounds like a good start to get things in Him for nutrition. They can be removed so THink positive. As far a the Morphine make sure the onc knows about this. there are other options for pain management. If the Morphine "Binds" him up like I think what you are talking about, would a Softener Like Dulcolax Help? Just a thought for that.

The tumour most likely would shrink with either treatment or radiation I think. Once the shrinkage happens swallowing should be easier, at lweast enough to get a tube out of Hubby. I understand the fear of having a tube. Loss of dignity and etc. Dealt with that issue. We did not need one for My Late wife, But it was discussed. Nutrition is a big part of this battle. Weight needs to be added to the body to avoid issues like Cachexia, which is the wasting of the body.

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First off, thanks for all the replys.

Feeding tube, yes it was discussed with me, with the surgeon who did the gi series. I talked about it with my husband, telling it would only be temporary.

He is very resistant, to say the least. The surgeon said he saw no visable tumors, just stomach ulsers, hiatal hernea, and asid refluz. This has his esophugus enflamed. On the other test that they did on tuesday was an xray while he was swallowing. Very interesting to watch. Where most peoples mussle at the back of throat opens to let food pass through, his is only opening a tiny, tiny bit, the rest backs up, and sits at the side till he swallows again, hence he has to swallow numerous times for it to pass through. Pills come right back up, so he is off all medication right now. (that cant be good!)

He had a cat scan on thursday, and that was horrible till he got all that liquid down! So thursday we will get the results. They are thinking that these mussels have been damaged from the radiation. Till then, he is on baby food, ensure, milkshakes, etc.

Its hard, just trying to get through till thursday.

Thanks again all, Mary

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Hey M,

I had a feeding tube for 2 months. Nothing to it really. If I hadn't had it I would not have survived treatment. The only thing bad about it was the cumbersome part of feeding at night. Not uncomfortable just a little bothersome (hard to get comfortable). I was also able to take all of my meds through the tube which I think helped them get in my system alot quicker.

I was 35 when I had the feeding tube put in and 35 when I had it taken out. Now, I am 37 and have just a little scar on my stomach that looks like an extra belly button. I don't plan on wearing any bikini's in the future so it doesn't bother me at all. During the time I had the tube, I would just tuck it in my pants..couldn't be seen...Really not a big deal. The procedure to have it put in was outpatient but I do recommend being anesthesized to have it taken out.

Within just a few days of getting it, I felt better, I had more strength, and gained weight.

I kept me hydrated, healthy and without pain...

Hope this helps!!

God Bless!!


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Am glad to hear it is not Cancer. If you need to do pills, I would recommend a Crusher from the pharmacy. It will powderize any pills needed. and I mean POWDERIZE. They are available at the pharmacy. Then you can mix into the food or a liquid. Just a though though. Gotta deal with the pain issues. Sending Prayers again and still

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Senekot stool softener and oxycodone are available as liquids. So is morphine, which is placed under the tongue. Maybe a pain patch could help with the headaches if morphine or the oxy are too difficult for him to get down.

These meds can be given by the feeding tube, as well. I encourage you to try again with the subject of the feeding tube. It will give his esophagus time to rest, and he can still take things by mouth as he is able.

My dad had an in-dwelling feeding tube. They are not as intimidating as they appear.

Gosh, this is so much to deal with! Take it as best you can.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My mom had to have a feeding tube in because she could not eat. She hated having it but it saved her life. She was always uncomfortable and sore at the sight but she is now eating on her own with not problems. It took her hours to eat. The meso spread out of the pluera and up around her esophagus and strangling it. It really was an intersting test to watch. I will pray for you. Stephanie

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Thanks all for your well wishes and thoughts. All is going ok with feedong tube, not so on Tuesday though.

I was going by the guide line they sent home with me, and fed him too much and It came back up thriugh the night. Wow was I scared. He was sick!

We are going much slower now, Got a script for reglain?? to help his stomack a bit. At this point we have a visiting nurse three times a week, not hospice yet. I must return to work on Monday, so I need help from the kids, nurse, etc. I cant have a leave untill all my vacations are used, and I have 4 weeks, so we shall try working next week and wee shall see. He is unable to take anything by mouth.

He has a fetenyl patch, 75 mg to help with pain in leg (numerous blood clots), and head, seems to be working pretty good. Its a handfull, but he is helping me all he can. Thanks again. Mary

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