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2 weimies Update


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I had my surgery on tuesaday and it was not cancer :lol: my right lung was ahered to my chest wall and some sort of fibrosis had occurred. :cry: The other complication of the surgery was they had trouble with my breathing tiube, I started to swell and needed steriods to help with the swelling.They did the VATS surgery and WEDGE RESECTION.I wont know the pathology in its entirety till then.

I just came home from the hospital this afternoon . I am having wome diificulting nsithout the extra oxygen and having some coughing spasms. I am in alot of pain, so I am going to rest now.I appreciate al the support everyone gave me and I will await the path to see what happens next. I was told reperatedly I was very lucky.

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Looks like you clicked those ruby red shoes and got some good news! I know how worried you were about the surgery and recovery. Glad to know you are getting over the hump -- just keep holding that pillow against your side to minimize the pain when you cough. It can take awhile to heal, so don't rush things. I'll be thinking of you and please let us know when the path's reports come in.

Keeping everything crossed for more good news.


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That is great news. I looking forward to reading about a great pathology report. If you have trouble lying down to sleep, try a recliner chair so you can sleep in a semi upright position. It will relieve the pressure from lying down.

May you have a speedy recovery.


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Congratulations I am glad things are looking up for you. Mendy’s suggestion is a good one. I slept in the hospital recliner for the first 5 days after surgery and it was a whole lot more comfortable. I hope you are feeling better soon.

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I started running a fever of 101.6 and my BP went sky high and so did my pulse.I also looked so flush ( two very red cheeks) anyhoo, the er docs did call my surgeon at the other hospital and after a chest xray they figured I might hvae some alectasis( lung collapse?) I am trying to do all my breathing exercises adn everything they have asked.I was home 1 day and back at ER.They let me go home, and I am going to walk around my house and possibly neighborhood( as able) we have snow here...Plus honestly I feel like crap and have coughing fits and spit up bloody tissue.I also had a weird vibrating( like cell phone) feeling in the right side of my right breast ( side where surgery was) the ER nurse thinks perhps my nerves are regenerating..I feel so beaten

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This is not an easy surgery to recover from. Make sure you take your pain meds for some relief. They will help you breathe easier. Unfortunately, you will probably continue to experience the tingling, maybe even some numbness in the area of surgery. My husband had a whole lobe removed and still continues to have sharp stabbing pains and tells me that when he wakes up he always feels like someone has been sitting on his chest. Others say the pain gets better but it takes a long time. Be patient, you have had a serious surgery. I sure hope you don't have any more complications.


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Oh Weimie -- sorry to hear things took a bit of a down turn. Please try to get the rest you need and don't go running the risk of slipping and falling on snow. Mendy is right, stay ahead of the pain by taking the pain meds before it gets too overwhelming. My hubby had the same surgery two years ago and he says that things still don't feel quite right (numb & weird). You are dealing with ribs that have been moved, hoses wedged in-between, and nerves cut, so all that takes a lot of time to heal. Don't push it, but keep working with the spirometer or breathing exercises.

Lots of good wishes for healing.


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Please be careful about going out to walk so soon. I went to Walmart a week after getting out of the hospital and started coughing. I had no place to sit down. My mom had to run and get me a sitting cart. But the coughing fits, (or maybe just the bad, bad pain from them) stopped after about 2-3 weeks. Waiting for more good news. Hugs, Liz

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It is a shame that you have to recover from this surgery. It's rough, but YOU DON'T HAVE CANCER!!!!! :D

It would be a tough recovery, cancer or not, but here's the great news----YOU DON'T HAVE CANCER!!!!!

I am so very happy for you! It will get better. My recovery had it's ups and downs for the first few days and weeks, but pretty soon it was all on the upswing, and now, I have only the bad memories, no pain, no nothing!


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