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Scattergories With Your Name


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Scattergories with your Name

SCATTERGORIES... This is fun! It's harder than it looks!

Rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...

They MUST be real places, names, things... NOTHING made up! If you can't think of anything, skip it.

Try to use different answers if the person in

front of you had the same 1st initial. You CAN'T USE Y0UR NAME for the boy/girl name question.

You're Name:

1. Famous Music Artist:

2. 4 letter word:

3. Street name:

4. Color:

5. Gifts/presents:

6. Vehicle:

7. Restaurant:

8. Noise:

9. Food:

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop:

11. Boy Name:

12. Girl Name:

13. Movie Title:

14. Alcoholic drink:

15. Occupations:

16. Flowers:

17. Celebrities:

18. Magazine:

19. US city:

20. Pro Sports Teams:

21. Something found in a kitchen:

22. Reason for Being Late:

23. Something You Throw Away:

24. Things You Shout:

25. Cartoon character:

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You're Name: ANN

1. Famous Music Artist: Alan Jackson

2. 4 letter word: area

3. Street name: Arcadia Drive

4. Color: Azure

5. Gifts/presents: apple for teacher

6. Vehicle: Audi

7. Restaurant: Appleby's

8. Noise: ah-choo

9. Food: asparagus

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: apparel

11. Boy Name: Adam

12. Girl Name: Ashley

13. Movie Title: Armageddon

14. Alcoholic drink: Alabama Slammer

15. Occupations: Animal Trainer

16. Flowers: Astor

17. Celebrities: Aubrey Hepburn

18. Magazine: Allure

19. US city: Atlanta

20. Pro Sports Teams: Astros

21. Something found in a kitchen: Allspice

22. Reason for Being Late: accident

23. Something You Throw Away: aluminum cans

24. Things You Shout: Ahoy

25. Cartoon character: Alvin (as in Alvin & the Chipmunks)

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You're Name: Ginny

1. Famous Music Artist: Benny Goodman

2. 4 letter word: Gold

3. Street name: Gorgas Lane

4. Color: Gold

5. Gifts/presents: Gold Bracelet

6. Vehicle: GEO

7. Restaurant: Golly, I can't think of one

8. Noise: gurgle

9. Food: gyro

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Gifts

11. Boy Name: Gregory

12. Girl Name: Grace

13. Movie Title: Gone With The Wind

14. Alcoholic drink: Gin

15. Occupations: Geologist

16. Flowers: Gardenia

17. Celebrities: George Gobel

18. Magazine: GQ

19. US city: Garden City NY

20. Pro Sports Teams: Giants

21. Something found in a kitchen: Garbage Disposal

22. Reason for Being Late: Grouchy

23. Something You Throw Away: Garbage

24. Things You Shout: Go Girl Go

25. Cartoon character: Goofy (no comment pleast)

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You're Name:

1. Famous Music Artist: marty robbins

2. 4 letter word: much

3. Street name:main

4. Color: maroon

5. Gifts/presents: money

6. Vehicle: mazda

7. Restaurant: mama bravas

8. Noise: murmer

9. Food: meatballs

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: momentos

11. Boy Name: mike

12. Girl Name: mary

13. Movie Title:much ado about nothing

14. Alcoholic drink: martini

15. Occupations: mailman

16. Flowers: mums

17. Celebrities: monkeys

18. Magazine: mad

19. US city: maybrook

20. Pro Sports Teams: mets

21. Something found in a kitchen: meat cleaver

22. Reason for Being Late: missed bus

23. Something You Throw Away:magazines

24. Things You Shout:mercy

25. Cartoon character:mickey mouse

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Your Name: Sharon

1. Famous Music Artist: Carlos Santana

2. 4 letter word: Spud

3. Street name: South

4. Color: Salmon

5. Gifts/presents: Shoes

6. Vehicle: Saab

7. Restaurant: Spankys

8. Noise: Shouting

9. Food: Salsa

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Souvenirs

11. Boy Name: Steve

12. Girl Name: Stacey

13. Movie Title: Scarface

14. Alcoholic drink: Seven and seven

15. Occupations: Secretaries

16. Flowers: (Rose of)Sharon

17. Celebrities: Sharon Stone

18. Magazine: Style

19. US city: Shreveport

20. Pro Sports Teams: Seattle Seahawks

21. Something found in a kitchen: Stove

22. Reason for Being Late: Slept late

23. Something You Throw Away: Scraps

24. Things You Shout: Stop

25. Cartoon character: (Yosemite) Sam

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1. Famous Music Artist: Beethoven

2. 4 letter word: Butt

3. Street name: Bowery Avenue

4. Color: Blue

5. Gifts/presents: Bouquet

6. Vehicle: Bob Sled

7. Restaurant: Big Boy

8. Noise: Bang

9. Food: Baguette

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Bumper stickers

11. Boy Name: Brett

12. Girl Name: Bonnie

13. Movie Title: "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"

14. Alcoholic drink: Beer

15. Occupations: Bouncer

16. Flowers: Baby's breath

17. Celebrities: Bette Davis

18. Magazine: Bravo!

19. US city: Boston

20. Pro Sports Teams: Bruins

21. Something found in a kitchen: Baking dish

22. Reason for Being Late: Baby puke (on outfit - leading to changing clothes, fixing hair..yada-yada-yada)

23. Something You Throw Away: Boogers

24. Things You Shout: BITE ME!

25. Cartoon character: BC

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You're Name: Larry

1. Famous Music Artist: Hank william's

2. 4 letter word: Fart

3. Street name: Van Buren

4. Color:Yellow

5. Gifts/presents: Candy

6. Vehicle: Dodge Pick up

7. Restaurant:Central station

8. Noise:Drum's

9. Food: Taco's

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Post Card's

11. Boy Name:Leon

12. Girl Name:Maria

13. Movie Title: Gone with the Wind(goes with number 2 answer)

14. Alcoholic drink:screw driver

15. Occupations:Doctor

16. Flowers: Tulip's

17. Celebrities:Van Johnson

18. Magazine:QST

19. US city: Phoenix

20. Pro Sports Teams:Chargers

21. Something found in a kitchen:Refrigerator

22. Reason for Being Late:over slept

23. Something You Throw Away: holey Sock's

24. Things You Shout:Warning's

25. Cartoon character: Wiley Coyote

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Larry...you have to go to the time out box for not following the directions!!! You have to use the first letter of your name to answer each question. So, everything has to begin with the letter "L"

Focus, my friend!!!

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1. Famous Music Artist: Kinks, The

2. 4 letter word: King

3. Street name: Kobain Drive

4. Color: Kelly green

5. Gifts/presents: Kites

6. Vehicle: Kia

7. Restaurant: King's Table

8. Noise: Klang

9. Food: Kiwi

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Knick-knack

11. Boy Name: Kurt

12. Girl Name: Katrina

13. Movie Title: King Solomon's Mines

14. Alcoholic drink: Kamikaze

15. Occupations: King

16. Flowers: Kidney vetch

17. Celebrities: Kate Hudson

18. Magazine: Knives Illustrated

19. US city: Kansas City

20. Pro Sports Teams: Kings

21. Something found in a kitchen: Knife

22. Reason for Being Late: Kinky sex

23. Something You Throw Away:

24. Things You Shout: KISSES!

25. Cartoon character: Eugene H. Krabs (Spongebob)

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You're Name: Larry

1. Famous Music Artist: Leonard skinner

2. 4 letter word:lost

3. Street name:lompac ave

4. Color:Lavender

5. Gifts/presents: lizard

6. Vehicle: Lear Jet

7. Restaurant:Louies

8. Noise:loud

9. Food: liver 10. Things in a Souvenir Shop:lantern 11. Boy Name:lance

12. Girl Name:lorna

13. Movie Title: last of the mohigans

14. Alcoholic drink: (Got me here)

15. Occupations: Lawyer

16. Flowers:( HA HA HA )

17. Celebrities:Larry the Cable Guy

18. Magazine:Life

19. US city:LA

20. Pro Sports Teams: Lakers

21. Something found in a kitchen: ladel

22. Reason for Being Late: lost

23. Something You Throw Away:luggage

24. Things You Shout:leave me along

25. Cartoon character:Lois Duck

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My Name: Fran

1. Famous Music Artist: Frankie Valle

2. 4 letter word: Oooh, this one's too easy! But will skip it.

3. Street name: Fourth Ave

4. Color: Fuschia

5. Gifts/presents: Frisbee

6. Vehicle: Ford

7. Restaurant: Four Seasons

8. Noise: Flugle horn

9. Food: French Fries

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop:Fuzz

11. Boy Name: Fitzgerald

12. Girl Name: Fritzie

13. Movie Title: Fantastic Four

14. Alcoholic drink: Foster's

15. Occupations: Florist

16. Flowers: French Tulip

17. Celebrities: Faith Hill

18. Magazine: Forbes

19. US city: Fresno

20. Pro Sports Teams: Flyers

21. Something found in a kitchen: flashlight

22. Reason for Being Late: fell off porch

23. Something You Throw Away: fashion magazines

24. Things You Shout: Refer to # 2

25. Cartoon character: Elmer Fudd

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1. Famous Music Artist: Madonna

2. 4 letter word: Mutt

3. Street name: Mercy

4. Color: Magenta

5. Gifts/presents: MONEY

6. Vehicle: Mustang

7. Restaurant: Monte's Itallian

8. Noise: Motor Boats

9. Food: Mash potatoes

10. Things in a Souvenir Shop: mini snow globes

11. Boy Name: Michael

12. Girl Name: Maryanne

13. Movie Title: MASH

14. Alcoholic drink: MARTINI'S (YES)!!!

15. Occupations: Magician

16. Flowers: Morning Glories

17. Celebrities: Marily Monroe

18. Magazine: Money

19. US city: Minneapolis

20. Pro Sports Teams: Montreal Candians

21. Something found in a kitchen: Mustard

22. Reason for Being Late: Making love

23. Something You Throw Away: musty smelling things

24. Things You Shout: MORE

25. Cartoon character Mickey Mouse

Maryanne :wink:

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