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another 6 month lease...


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Ahh!! That wonderful wait to hear your CAT scan results. My old onc would call me at home from his cell phone the evening of my scan but he is now gone to another hospital so don't know what the new one will do.

I swear if I am in the exam room too long waiting I will have to march down the hallway yelling his name!!

BUT - congrats Debbi - its such wonderful news for you!! Keep up the good work!!

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Ahh!! That wonderful wait to hear your CAT scan results. My old onc would call me at home from his cell phone the evening of my scan but he is now gone to another hospital so don't know what the new one will do.

I swear if I am in the exam room too long waiting I will have to march down the hallway yelling his name!!

BUT - congrats Debbi - its such wonderful news for you!! Keep up the good work!!

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