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Hi Kjude -

How intereting that you posted this question - I will be receiving my first dose of Alimta this Friday 10/12. I started on Avastin/carboplatin/taxotered for 6 cycles and then for the past 7 months on Avastin only until my last weeks CAT showed growth. Avastin has virtually no side effects (at least for me) so it is kinda scary to go back on a chemo that might make me sick. I have read on other forums that Alimta seems to run the gamut in people - either extreme fatigue or no side effects at all. Hopefully for both of us it will not cause us a lot of side effects but still be effective.

Will post another note after my first dose to let you know it went. Good luck to you!!

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Hi, kjude:

I don't have any personal experience with Alimta YET, but it's a possibility for me in the future. Here's some good info on onctalk.com:


Or, you can type alimta in a search box on onctalk.com and get many screenfuls of links to articles there.

As others have said, the benefits and side effects run the gamut -- from wonderful results with practically no side effects to very little benefit and severe side effects, primarily fatigue. Let's hope you're in the first group!



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Thank you Lily, please keep me informed about your Alimta treatment, I begin mine on 10-16,( third line) have you had any side effects other than the SOB, which may or may not be related? I am VERY SOB now, oh dear??? You sound as if you have been through a lot, on this journey... and learned things I have no idea about. I have just recently began "talking" about mine, and was orginally dx Nov. 05. I do wish you well!!

Jude :D

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Hi again Kjude -

I had my first treatment of Alimta this past Friday. So far, all is well. The only thing that happened is they put me back on some anti-naseau pre-meds and they always constipate me terribly!! I have had no naseau and actually - my SOB is better than before I took the treatment (could that be just a coincidence??))

The Alimta only is infused for 10 minutes - I was like - is this stuff really going to work??

Don't know if the fatigue is something that has to build up after several cycles or not but right now I feel really good!!

Hope yours goes great - keep me posted!!

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[bPatti, thanks for keeping me "up" on your treatments..today is MOn. 16th, I am having exceptionally bad SOB..it has increased daily for the past 5-6 days.I sure hope the encouraging news you had to share, about that, will be the same for me, and that it is not, just a coincidence !!!I have my first Alimta tomorrow at 1pm.. fatigue just seems to a regular part of this whole Cancer routine with me,it's simply a matter of what degree it is, on any given day!! :? I'll let you know how it goes!



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