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IIIB adenocarcinoma suvivors I need a boost


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Hi All~

I saw my radiaologist after my 1st scan since Tx. I do not think she realized I had the scan this morning, and would be telling me the results. She said all medisteinal lymph nodes had shrunk. The RLL tumor had shrunk. Then..........she went on to giberish about 2 new spots on my RLL, that may have been ther all along, and I would have 2 discuss that w/ onc. tomorrow (Thurs). The 2 spots did not show in 5/07 in 2 CT w/and w/out contrast, or the PET. I got the impression she had "punting rights" to the Onc. and she used them.

Last week when I asked onc. about tarceva he said we blasted you w/ all the chemo one body can take, that was out direction, so no more meds.

Woundering what he will say tomorrow. Profile below is so far up to date, I'm very nervous about tomorrow. Any tips for tomorrows visit are appreciated. Mary

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ya got My irish up and I am german 100% ok. Firrst adeno is most common type of LC and most researched. There fore most available treatments for you. THe followiong is a list of the most common types of Chemo for Adeno NSCLC.








These are the most common. If you have only had 2 and rad treatment I would be seriously wondering about a second opinion.

Try this for some inspiration


Peace and hugs and Prayers tonite. Get some rest this is by far from over.

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Hi Mary,

I have read on www.onctalk.com that tarceva is normally not used as a first line therapy following a chmo regimen. I think the docs usually wait and watch before begginning with tarceva as 2nd line. So, that's a good thing!

God Bless and hang in there!!!


I am a 2 year and 10 month survivor of Stage IIIB adenocarcinoma..Too advanced for surgery.. I am cancer free!!!! Keep the faith!!

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Mary ahs ahd Cisplatin and Navelbine combo so should be allowed to try tarceva. That was my thought and found out this is not a first line treatment. Thanks

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I don't have MD after my last name, but this sure doesn't sound right to me. There HAS to be something else they can offer you Mary. :? Sounds to me like THEY are giving up. :evil: You need to find a doc that's willing to fight as hard as you are. Damn I hate when doc's don't follow the fight rules. There are a handfull that don't know about the FIGHT RULE! TEEHEETEEHEE It's only us LC Survivors rule, but damnit it should count.

Sending good wishes and postive vibes your way.

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Hi, Mary:

Maybe when the doc said "no more meds" he meant "for now." You've been through the wringer, so to speak, and your body needs a rest, but it sounds like you got really good results. Whatever this new thing is can perhaps be put on the back burner for a while so you can rebuild some strength. That's at least as important as another new med right now, don't you think?

Aloha (that's pronounced ah-LOOOWWW-ha in Hawaiian and in lon-GUY-land-ese)...


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