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Carboplatin and Gemzar?


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I've had them both, but not together. This may or may not be helpful to you. Gemzar is ok, not many problems with it alone. At alternate treatment sessions, I had it with cisplatin. Not good :cry: I had Carbo with Taxol. Carbo often, I've been told, is easier to tolerate than cisplatin. Good luck. Please let us know how this goes for you.


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My mom had carbo gemzar and did really well with it. She had some nausea but meds helped it. She only lost half her hair and did not need a wig. She said it was not as bad as she expected. She needed a few iv drips for hydration b/c seh got dehydrated.

I hope it goes well for you!

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Yes, this is very helpful. Thank you.

I will let you know if I am to proceed with this regimen. I think my oncologist said carboplatin and not cisplatin??? I will meet with her again next week and will let you know.

Thank you again for your support.



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My Dad had the Carbo/Gemzar combo and he had no side effects... he had some thinning hair, but didn't lose it all. He use to feel so good after treatments that him and Mom would go "do lunch"... This is the combination that kept him stable for three wonderful years.... I wish you much luck with it.

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Mom tolerated Gemzar/Carbo pretty well. Mild hair thinning (if any), mild nausea, occasional bouts with loose stools. One of those two chemo meds changed something with her mouth/tastbuds and citrus fruits and citrus juice was too acidic. Metallic taste from the Carbo. Fatigue also, but a nap in the afternoon was all she needed.


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I had 4 rounds of carboplatin/gemzar. I had some fatigue and a little bit of not feeling quite well. I usually recovered a week before the next infusion. I took compazine and dexadron for nausea, walked in the morning and took a nap in the afternoon and drank a lot of water. I think alimta was a little bit harder for me.

Don M

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Just wanted to add that, like your oncologist, I'll generally use carbo/taxol with avastin, because avastin has been most thoroughly studied with the carbo/taxol chemo doublet. However, if we're not going with avastin (and I can definitely understand your oncologist's concern with coughing up blood, a marker for much higher risk of a life-threatening bleeding complication with avastin), I quite often use carbo/gem as a chemo pair. The most common side effect is decreased blood counts and fatigue, but it's usually quite mild in terms of nausea/vomiting, hair loss, and many other side effects that people might fear from chemo. Most of the typical side effects are things the doctor would need to tell you about ("paper toxicities" of lab abnormalities) rather than things you would feel, and most people prefer side effects they don't feel. The most common issue is that it can drop counts enough that some people can't get treated on as regular a schedule and/or need major dose adjustments because their counts drop too much or too long.

Overall, the carbo/gemzar combination has become increasingly popular because it often has a good balance of activity (the common doublets are all remarkably comparable) and side effect profile (quite mild in many people and largely based on blood counts).

Good luck with the new regimen.

-Dr. West

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