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So hard...


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Wow, I haven't posted on here since my dad passed but reading the timeline in my sig and seeing his picture with my daughter is hard. I HATE this disease. I am still so angry. I still hate that it took him so quickly, we had so much hope.

I am so sad coming on here and reading the bad news but so overjoyed at the good news. May all of you and your loved ones win the fight against this horrible disease.

Thanks for listening and God bless.

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It's good to hear from you again. And I know, I hate this disease too. So very much...

I'm sorry that you are feeling such pain, I can't offer wonderful words of wisdom or comfort because I'm feeling it too, and it stinks. I can only offer you warm thoughts and empathy, and the knowledge that you are not alone in this. My mantra over my mom lately seems to be, "She would want me to be HAPPY, she would want me to be happy..." I try every day to honor that, and some days I'm much less successful than others...

Hang in there...

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I really do get it. I can't change my picture (though I've changed my hairstyle twice since then), because that picture meant/means something. I sometimes think of editing my signature, but I honestly use it to reference times...answer questions my brothers and I have.

Your dad was so much more than the disease that stole him away from you. Soon you will be able to get past the cancer part and remember all else that was good. I struggle almost every day, but know that I need to keep going. One day at a time for now.

I'm rambling...but I do understand. Prayers for you tonight.


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