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I'm not one to believe in signs ... there's nothing I'd like more than to feel my mom -- who passed away November 23rd -- is watching and waiting for me. But I'm just not sure. I had to share this story though.

Six days after my mom died, a neighbor stopped at my house to drop something off. She lost her mother only a short while ago; she told me that when she was leaving the cemetary after her first visit there after the funeral, she looked up to the sky. Two planes had crossed and the exhaust formed a "cross". She felt it was her mother giving her a sign.

I thought to myself, well if that gives her comfort, great, but I'd never believe in that. That night though as I was "talking" to my mom, I said, "come on mom, Gloria got a cross for her sign, what do I get".

The next morning, a week exactly since my mom passed, I was taking my daughter to the bus stop. It was a beautiful sunny day for late November. I don't usually take her unless it's raining or extremely cold, but decided to this day. At the top of the driveway, something made me look up to the sky ... this is a picture of what I saw. When I got back in the house, I grabbed my camera. There were actually several crosses in the sky that day, this one was the clearest.

I have to admit, this was amazing.


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there's your sign! No really I mean this in all seriousness. I am not trying to be funny in any way here! :shock:

Sometimes things happen for a reason. if they happen once it happens if it happens twice well then it must be something bigger and more powerful.....

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