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Thank God and Pfizer.


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Hi guys and gals,

It's just me, Sam, checking in, as it's been a while since I've posted. I'm happy to report that the overall trend seems to be in the right direction. I'm about three months out from my last chemo and I feel a little better each week I think. Sure is a slow process but I'll get there. I've two more radiation treatments (out of 30) to the right neck area where my node was removed. No problems there except a pretty nasty skin burn but it's treatable & low on my worry list.

Vfend seems to be working on my chronic necrotizing aspergillis pneumonia. It took about three weeks before I saw a difference but now the cough, which was horrible, has just about gone as has the nasty sputum. I think I see a little improvement in my breathing. I'm back on the treadmill again with 6 L/min of O2. I really need that; I've become quite the toad with all the prednisone and decreased activity over the last six months.

I'm on medical LOA from work and the disability insurance came through even better than I hoped for.

I still read the board most days and post when I think I have something useful to say. I pray for us all daily. Thanks so much for all the support.


P.S. - Call me superstitious but I won't post to the "Good News" forum again.

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Wow Sam...it sure does sound like your heading in the right direction! What a difference from one of the last posts I read from you...am so thrilled for you that things are improving!!!

What a great way to start my Saturday! Glad you posted... :D

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