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Hi all,

Sorry to post here this is non lung cancer related but I am freaking out. I have been having some "girl issues" the past few months so I went to my OB who said it is likely nothing but lets do an ultrasound anyway. They just called and I have a slightly enlarged uterus and a 2 cm complex ovarian cyst. What??? What does that mean. They want to do another ultrasound in 2 months. TWO MONTHS! I don't think I can wait that long. I am literally freaking out here. Prayers please!


Ovarian Cysts are very common, I've had one for 13 years now and it's never done anything but sit there.

If your not willing to wait then you need to get a second opinion and ASK THEM WHAT THEY THINK THIS IS and IS IT OF GREAT CONCERN! OR, you can call the office you were just at and ask those same questions.

Don't sit and let this eat at you. Ask questions until your satisfied!!!! It's not worth going crazy over if you can get some answers. Peace of mind is very important. GO GET EM!!!!!! :wink:


Ok. Feeling a bit better now. I called and talked to the nurse who told me not to freak out. She said, without getting into too much detail, that things were pretty normal and that the cyst will likely just absorb. She said if the doctor was very concerned about it that he would have ordered a blood test. I feel kind of foolish now for my little freak out. :roll: I am home everyday doing daycare and have very little adult contact. I just needed to get it all out! Thanks Connie!


Please do not freak out. I do have a cyst in my Ovaries for some 30 years plus. A couple of years ago my Doc. said. the cyst is getting smaller. Just relax and talk to your Primary care Physician, have a copy of the test results faxed to the Primary.



I have polycystic ovaries, they were all functional I believe. I am glad that the dr office was able to calm you down.

Have you had a long standing relationship with this office? Do you trust them? If so, then don't worry. If you are concerned, for peace of mind, you can always go somewhere else for a second opinion.

It is easier said than done to tell you not to freak out. I remember freaking out over one of my cysts and not understanding how they could tell it was not serious. My fertility dr said "I will be you my house it is not cancer and believe me, I have a ncie house" :) Sometimes drs throw aroudn words like "complex" and don't realize how we freak out.


I have no clue if mine are functional, non-functional, Poly type functional, they have a complex or an apartment who knows???? :P:shock::shock::?:oops::wink:

I just know it's been there for 13 years and hasn't caused me any trouble. So, I don't go looking for trouble either! (easy for me to say)!

((((((((((((Jill))))))))))))))))) Your going to be fine and your going to have weird stuff pop up along the way. Hang in there! Your going to freak out now and then too! We're here for you.


I also have had an ovarian cyst for 30+ years. It has never caused me a problem. Like you, I was very scared when I first found out that I had it, but then I found out that it was a very common non life threatening thing to have.


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