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Mouth Problems etc.

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Hi All,

Looking for any info. anyone has on mouth issues. My mom had chemo and is now doing radiation. The weird thing is - is that it seems my mom is experiencing side effects of chemo long after its been done. She just recently lost some hair and her chemo stopped in December. Her latest irritant is her mouth. She says its sore on the upper palate swears there is a sore on each side but I don't see anything there. Docs have even stuck fingers in mouth to feel - nothing. I don't doubt her one bit - my mom tries not to complain about everything so I know when something is really bothering her. Anyone also have this? Oncologist gave her this mouth rinse but pain still persists. Any other things out there to help? Sorry for the long speel!

Thank You -


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Hi Marci-

That is odd. Chemo can cause mouth sores and that horrid metallic taste in your mouth but usually while you are undergoing chemo - not this far after. Of course, everyone is different. What chemo was she on???

Also, could be a dental problem. Maybe should check that its not an abcess due to a tooth problem. Chemo can do so much to your body - who knows.

I know this doesn't help you much - hope you find the answer soon so she doesn't have to be in any discomfort.

Hugs - Patti B.

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Yup very strange for her to have these things now. She also has the metallic taste too so I really think it is contributed by the chemo itself. But so strange this far after the fact. Hope someone else posts that they went through the same thing. My mom and I joke that she gets to be 1st to have new things happen to just to make light of it!


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"Marci" ...She just recently lost some hair and her chemo stopped in December. Her latest irritant is her mouth.

Hi, Marci. Since hair loss is just starting now, that seems to add weight to the idea that the mouth problems are a delayed result of the chemo. As I read your profile, she didn't have her first radiation until yesterday (3/24) since the earlier plan was changed in preparation for surgery. The human body is unbelievably complex, and all sorts of things can happen which are not "typical." Aloha,


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Our onc's staff recommended vitamin B50 everyday to help with mouth health, also biotine mouth wash (no alcohol in it) up to 4 x per day. Maybe they are checking for the beastie-yeasties, which can also be a complication. Prescription nystatin oral suspension usually helps with thrush if that's the case. If she is on Zometa, for bone mets, tread lightly with the dentist.

I've heard that eating with plastic silverware helps a bit with the metallic taste.

I know she has been prescribed something, but adding the above won't hurt either. My hubby tried all of the above and they helped.

Good luck,


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The doctor gave me a script for Nystatin for my throat even though they couldn't see the evidence of thrush. Whether it was thrush or not, it really helped take the edge off the pain. If I had any discomfort between prescribed times for the Nystatin, I used over-the-counter Prevention. I mixed the green label (for viruses) with the orange label (for bacteria). I used the Preventions for mouth sores too.

Good luck.

Judy in Key West

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