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My birthday month


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I used to get so excited about my birthday. I was due on the 9th but didn't arrive until the 18th of April. I used to pester Mom starting on the 9th about what she was doing "X" years ago. And I always called her at the exact time I was born. I always thought of it as a gift that they had me. Now it seems like it doesn't even matter. The two people that created me and the one that gave me life are gone. I am no one's "punkin" and no one's little girl. When will it get better???

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I don't see my bday getting better.

Mom would always call me at the exact time I was born.

And everytime I protested I didn't want to make a big deal, or didn't want cake, she would say, "this is as much my day as yours. It was the happiest day of my life, so your eating cake."

I can honestly say, I'll never want a cake on my birthday ever again.

So I totally get it.

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I know what you mean. Every year I'm reminded that I will not get that phone call with her singing Happy Birthday to me. She always called her kids first thing and sang. Mine is the 16th and I know exactly how you are feeling.

This year would have been a little more special not because of age but because I was born on a Wednesday and it is on a Wednesday and she would have reminded me of that.


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I didn't post this to announce my birthday coming up. In the past, I would have! :wink: I am just so sad lately and I think it has alot to do with losing my parents.

Thanks to those that responded to my post.

I just didn't want yall to think I was soliciting!

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  • 2 weeks later...

:( I know, I wonder when or if it gets better as well. It was so hard to face my first birthday without mom. Now with Mother's Day coming up I have no idea what to do without mom. I'm no longer anyone's 'boo' or 'kate-o.'

Am thinking of you! If I have any lightbulb moments that give me hope or help will let you know. :)


warmest wishes,


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I think I know how you're feeling right now. My birthday is on Wednesday. This will be the first birthday without a card or phone call. My birthday also happens to fall on the 3 month mark after her death. The one month and two month marks were both pretty difficult, so how am I supposed to celebrate on that day? However, I know she'd want me to.

Also doesn't help that this week is Mother's Day and the two year anniversary of her diagnosis. Oh boy.

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