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My sister wants to see a priest

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She is pretty down since they found some questionable spots on her brain and want an MRI of her spine. I am visiting her in an hour and when I called she was going to visit a priest to get annointed. I am so angry/sad/confused for her and for our family. I want to stay positive but I honestly don't know what to think or where to turn. Thanks for letting me come here and "talk".


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Hi Gracie. I know how hard it is to go through this. I lost my sister this past October. I think your sister is probably scared and wants to feel at ease and priests are very good at doing that. I know because I have a brother that is a priest.

There is still a lot of hope for your sister. Stay strong as a family and keep us posted.



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I think she may just want to be at peace with herself. Be supportive That is the best thing you can do right now. as long as she wants to fight ort if she does not it is haer decision to make. You have to be there to support and stand by her right now. SHe needs all teh love and support you can give her. Everyone has to face their fears sooner or late and each is different in how they chose to do this.

Prayers and Hugs from NC RandyW!!!!!

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If you are seriously ill it is very appropriate to see a priest and recieve the "annointing of the sick". I did it 10 years ago. I also asked for the prayers of my parish.

I know the prayers were answered.

best wishes and my prayers to your sister.

Donna G

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Just wanted to say thank you for your replies. She said it felt good for her to go to Church and speak with the priest. She got that annointing of the sick and went to confession. I think she is very depressed. I asked her if she would consider counseling at the church or someplace else and she seemed open to it. Do you think it would help?


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My sister got on an anti depressant, anti anxiety pill and it worked wonders. I think maybe she should talk to her doctor about this and also talk with her priest. She seems at ease with him and I am sure he can help her with a lot of her questions.

Your sister is just now coming to terms with what is going on. I know what she has is serious, but I don't think it is time to panic or anything. There have been so many here that have survived. I printed a lot of the stories on here and gave to my sister and that really helped her to have hope. Just knowing that someone has or is going through the same thing, can really be a big relief.

Please keep us posted and know we are praying for good results and great treatments.



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Dear Gracie,

My husband, Bill, went through WBR last year and completed the many treatments in June, 2007.

Our son, adopted many decades ago when he was 7 months old, and who presently is a Roman Catholic priest, came here, and gave his father a blessing.

Bill's latest MRI, almost one year later, showed that the tumor in the midbrain had disappeared through the WBR treatments. It was gone completely.

We do not claim anything, except that we have always believed that prayer, blessings, and spirituality can help. We accept the blessing, and are very grateful.

My belief is that we are spirits within our human embodiments, and can be recipients of a greater good.

Much love and hope always to you, Gracie,


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