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Dad Is Very sick

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I haven't been here in a while, but someone might remember me. Dad is in the hospital. He is now on morpine and it not helping too much. They are still playing around with the meds to get him comfortable. The cancer got worse in his liver. I guess its just a matter of time now. It's very hard seeing him so groogy and i;m not sure if he understands what is going on. They explained that he has gotten worse and the chemo would only make him worse now. I asked him if he understands and he said "some of it". I just don't want him to be scared. Please say a prayer for us!

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I just got back from the hospital. He seems better than earlier. They actually cut back the morphine. Isn't that one of the drugs they give when it's close to the end? They said they are prepping him for possible radiation on the liver on Monday, being they don't do it on weekends. God forbid a radiologist works on the weekend! Just feeling angry and all mixed up. It's so hard to keep it together for my sister. I just keep telling my Dad that he's coming home. I believe he has it in him to fight this.

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