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My mom has NSCLC


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My mom of 55 yrs old was just dignosed with Non small cell lung cancer. She has a 7cm tumor on her upper left lung/bronc. tube and 2 tumors on her brain and has spead to the area above her left kidney not to meantion all over her other lung. I am her caregiver and have 4 children of my own as well as POA over my g-pa for other issues. Im hoping I can learn more about the road ahead and the steps Ill be facing.

PLease keep us in your prayers and you and yours are in mine!


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Hi, Ashaki, welcome to the group! I know you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders right now, but please know that there are some terrific people here who have been in much your same position and are ready to help you all the way.

What treatment is planned for your mom? Aloha to you and your family,


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Thank you all for the replies! Its wonderful to know there is a place to go when you just need to talk to someone who understands you.

Ned, my mom has had 10 radiation treatments to the back of the head and chest. During which time they had her on a weekly low dose of chemo which lasted 3 weeks. This past Tuesday they started her on the full dose which now is 1 time every 3 weeks. And she also goes the day after for a shot to help with producing WBC. Im sorry not sure on the names of the chemo medications other than one starts with a T and other a C.

Prayers to all of you and yours!

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...she also goes the day after for a shot to help with producing WBC. I'm sorry not sure on the names of the chemo medications other than one starts with a T and other a C.

Probably Taxol and Carboplatin for the chemo, and possibly Neulasta for the WBC. Many of us have had the same regimen. Let us know how the side effects are going -- maybe we can come up with some tips.



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I'm so sorry to hear about your mom and this journey you are about to take. You and your mom are in my prayers.

Keep strong and keep faith..Miracles happen everyday!!

Welcome to our online family.

We have survivors here at all stages of the disease so there is always hope!!!!

God Bless!


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Welcome Ashaki

So sorry you need to be here but this is a great site with lots of great people and lots of information and support.

Ask any questions you need to about your moms treatment and someone here will most likely know the answer.

Your mom is so lucky to have you by her side. Please take care of yourself, too.

Hugs - Patti B.

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Hello Ashaki and welcome

I am so sorry you had need to find a site such as this but glad you found us. This is a wonderful site full of knowledgable and caring people who can and will help you out as much as we can.

Please keep posting and let us know how your Mom is doing and how YOU are, too.



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Hi Ashaki. We met briefly in chat last night. You will find alot of great information on this site as well as great support from the members to help you through this journey.

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