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My mom was recently diagnose with nsclc


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I used to so look forward to Mother's Day with my Mom. A day to honor her and what she did for our family. Becoming a widow at age 45 with 4 kids ages 15, 14, 13 and almost 12 (me). Then when I (finally) became at Mom at age 39 the celebration was even better. I miss Mom so much..and my favorite Aunt who was also my Godmother. I am supposed to be going to a neighborhood Mother's Day BBQ this afternoon and I just don't know if I have the strength to go.

I am heading out to see my Mom now (at the cemetary). Hopefully I will feel better when I return....or worse, you just never know.

It doesn't help that my husband is in a rotten mood....he just doesn't get it. He was not close to his Mom. I am tired of his yelling at absolutely nothing. I know I am being selfish, but it's not about him. So he needs to just get over it.

God, give me strength to get through this day and appreciate what I do have....my little angel, Katie.

My cousin stopped by with flowers and a beautiful card. She understands. (Her mom was my favorite Aunt.) Unfortunately I didn't see her, I was in the shower. Just as well, we both would have ended up in tears (as we always do.)


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Beth, I posted you last night but something went wrong and it didn't go through. I just want to say Mothers' Day was bound to be hard. I hope it passed quickly for you.

I also want to repeat something I said about your husband. I'm not "defending" his behavior, just offering some ideas for "explaining" his behavior. Men often show anger when they are frustrated that their spouse is hurting and they can't make it better. Unfortunately, it can come through as being selfish. And in a way, maybe it is a little selfish. Sometimes, they just want peace in their household.

Sorry this is a day late but the thought (and lost words) were there yesterday.

Judy in Key West

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  • 2 months later...


It has been over a year now since Mom's diagnosis. It's hard to beleive just how quickly things change in life. I know my Mom is at peace and as crazy as it sounds, I get many "signs" that she is still with me. A lot of times when she is in a dream, the recurring theme is that it was all a mistake and she is still alive. Oh how I wish that were true.

I am trying not to dwell on the on the loss, but concentrate on all the wonderful memories I have of her. I am probably the luckiest of my siblings because I have the most memories since I was with her or talking to her the most.

Even just walking into the Outback the other nite for dinner. I pointed to the booth we sat in and had her last restaurant meal in...which was the first time she did something social with her oxygen. She wanted to use the gift cards she had gotten while she still could enjoy it. It was like she knew that she would go down hill quickly.

I got my daughter's portraits taken and I usually order so much more since I knew how much my Mom appreciated them. Now I think, who can I give them to that will appreciate them like she did...no one.

I guess all in all I am getting by ok, knowing life go on (as it should) and trying to create those lasting memories with my own little girl.

I listen to the songe "In my daughter's eyes" and see every word is true about Katie....she shows me what love is all about. I also think that my Mom felt the same way about me.

Thanks for reading my post and for all the kind words and prayers you have given over the past several months.

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