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Tom's RESULTS 3/11


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It seems like we waited forever but we finally saw the Opthamologist today and got an ALL CLEAR!!! Tom only needed an updated script as he had not had his eyed check in more years than I can count. No cataracts, no glaucoma and no sign of any diabetic retinopathy. Woo Hoo!!!

The next Ct is set for 3/4 with results on 3/9. It will be for the chest, abdomen and pelvis.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure how to take this so I am not putting it in the good news forum yet.

The CT demonstrates extensive paramediastinal fibrosis consistent with radiation therapy. The right hilar mass remains unchanged as compared to previous (no further shrinkage.?). Compared to previous scan there is an increasing pleural thickening, scarring and bronchiectasis noted in the right lung base. Interstitial fibrosis is noted in the left upper lobe as well as within the right lung base. These findings are more pronounced in the right lung base as compared to previous.

The Onc states that there is no way to really know for sure if this is due to radiation or not just by the CT alone. So what we are going to do is wait 2 months and then do a PET scan which will be the first since before diagnosis. Now we know that the PETS can light up inflammation as well and not necessarily mean cancer. If it lights up significantly then we will consult with the pulm and see about doing another bronchoscopy to know for sure.


As for me. I received my blood test results back from my physical. It turns out that my cholesterol is 214 which is a bit high and my triglycerides are 375 which is really high according to the doc. So now I get to add another med to my regimine. I forget what they called it but I will go pick it up at the pharmacy soon.

Not quite sure how to process this all in my head.

Hurry up and wait.

Will it ever end?


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Hi Denise,

Whenever Bill has received a report, with no definite mention of growth, it has been a watch and wait scenario.

We have taken it to mean nothing alarming. So many times, the scans can vary due to scan itself.

They will be looking at Tom again, and they have a plan to decipher with the PET scan. Thankfully, we have such things as PET scans.

Bill and I are pretty much relieved when nothing untoward jumps out to tweak any alarm bells.

This has been the fare with us as we move along our (as described by the oncologist) "chronic" pathway.

Too much thinking on it can conjure up more than the scan means, so since they are scanning and following up, it is what should be - a watchful eye - of what very well may mean stable.

Your own attention to your cholesterol and triglyceride levels is very wise. The meds they have today are terrific at doing a lessening of whichever of those issues, or both, need improving. That, along with some diet changes, can make all the difference.

Keeping the caregive healthy is so important.

Thank you, Denise, for updating on Tom and yourself. I take it as good news that doctors are watching and being aware.

You both are being attentive. Good for you.

Oops, almost forgot to mention that the photo of Tom is great. :)


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Thanks Barb.

The waiting is horrible and I really don't want to over analyze. But that is what I do best.

It seems that it is the bronchiectasis that has me the most worried. It is an irreversible obstructive lung disease that kinda ties into the COPD category. It is a widening of the bronchial tubes and it leaves you more succeptible to lung collapse and infection. The only treatment for it is what they are already doing. He has his nebulizer that he does 4 times a day and symbicort 2x daily and he is on oxygen 24 hours. He still can't breathe right and coughs like crazy all the time because it cause excess phlegm and he chokes on it. But at least it's a productive cough and it's not all staying in his lung causing infection. He will have to be more careful about hanging out with sick people.

2 months at this point seems like forever.

The photo is of Tom in his new specs. He can finally see again.


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You are very concerned about Tom. You are a wonderful caregiver. You have said that the bronchiectasis has you most stressed. Your description of it puts it in the "keep observing" category, no doubt about it.

It is good that you are aware of Tom's not being in the pathway of others' colds, etc. That is the main thought in my head with Bill.

All this time, we have been avoiding flu, colds, and all sorts of possible threats to his immune system.

So what happened last week? We went over to the cancer center, and there was our oncologist coughing, sneezing, and sounding hoarse and stuffed up nasally. Sometimes there is no amount of caution that can eliminate all bacteria or viruses.

We can try, though, right?

...and yes, the waiting is the worst of all.


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My doctors office has a box of mask's at the front desk that they make sick patients put on when they are waiting to see the doctor. I think that the docs should have to wear them too when they are sick to protect us from them.


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