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Another TExan


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I have been lurking for a month or so and thought may be I better introduce myself, so you all would not be wondering who that stranger is.

My name is Dawn and i am a 49 y/o (50 in 11 days) widowed navy vet with 4 kids (M25, f24, m18, f16) three dogs and a cat. I live in North Texas and have been dx with SCLC (May 08). I have under gone chemo (once every 4 weeks for 6 months ) and have had at this point 3 NED scans since Oct 08. I have just started PCI as of today for the next two weeks and will be doing another PET, CT and doctors appointments in early June.

My SCLC was discovered after I had a CT done to figure out why I was having such pain in my back and difficulty walking. They diagnosed (believe it or not) diverticulitis as the reason for the back pain but stated that they saw a lung mass. So I was then fighting with the VA to get an appointment in the next week or two instead of two months down the road to get the lung mass seen to. My PC Doctor gave more antibiotics for the "diverticulitis" , an x-ray and set up a pulmonary function test. The x-ray showed the mass, so a bronchoscopy was also order. The PF test show that my function was fine, but the bronchoscopy showed SCLC (they took a biopsy while they were in there). While waiting for the results of the biopsy, I saw my PC for the "diverticulitis" as the antibiotics did not seem to have cleared it up. He never once said that he felt the problem was caused by metastasis of the cancer. It was almost like he could not bring himself to say the words. By the time I actually saw the oncologist, I was being wheeled around in a wheel chair due to being in so much pain that I could not walk, sit, stand, or lie down except on my left side. I couldn't even climb up on to my bed.

The oncologist told me I needed to start chemo right away and actually had to talk to me in the waiting room as that was the only place that had a flat couch that I could lie on. We didn't discuss too much at that point other than getting my pain under control and starting chemo. I started chemo the next week. Within an hour of the infusion I could walk, (not well mind you but I could motivate under my own power.). I also found out the my cancer had metastasized to my left femur, hip (on the back wall of the socket joint) and lymph nodes, left seventh rib, spine near the tail bone, left cervical lymph node, right axillary (armpit) lymph node, right lymph node under the jaw. After the second month I no longer needed the walker I had to buy, so it now resides in the closet for if ever.

I look forward to meeting all the members on the forums. And if anyone lives in the Dallas area would like to get together around the first of the month (when my disability money comes in and I have a couple of dollars) getting together somewhere for a cup of coffee, or glass of Iced Tea sounds like a heck of an idea.


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Hi, Dawn, welcome to the group! Although your cancer career got off to a rocky start with a bad diagnosis, you made up for lost time and your SCLC responded remarkably well to chemo. What chemo agents did you receive?

I just read your response to Annie01. You have a very good grasp of the facts, and I'm wondering if that's from intensive research into your own situation or because of previous experience in the medical field. Also, what part of North Texas are you in? I spent most of my childhood in West, a little town on Interstate 35 just north of Waco, and I graduated from North Texas State College (now UNT) in Denton. After that I was an Air Force nomad for 21 years, then settled in Hawaii in 1972. We do have members in the Dallas area, and you'll probably hear from some of them soon, but I won't be able to join you unless I can figure out how to do a time warp. :wink: Best wishes and Aloha,


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Carboplatin and etoposide infusions and etoposide pills for two days after the infusions. I had very little side effects other than some nausea after the first round. And off course all of my auburn hair falling out. It is coming back in now, but much darker brown and more than just a little grey. And here I was hoping it would come in curly, lol.

My knowledge comes from much research and asking tons of questions after feeling like a science experiment gone wrong. I thought a little knowledge would help get rid of that feeling. Alas, I still feel much like a science experiment, but have determined to make it a positive experience. If it worked so well for me, maybe it can for someone else and the only way to figure that out is for them to keep doing what they are doing.

I have been to West! My deceased husband was a truck driver and he said the best place in Texas to get the best kolaches was in West and one day he had a hankering for kolaches, so off we went. I currently live in Mesquite just south east of the Dallas city limits.

When I was diagnosed I lived in Richardson, just north, north east of the city limits by about two blocks. However we are not only part of the cancer statistics now, we are also part of the statistics of the economic turn down and the mortgage crisis and had to move, so here we are.

I wish I could help you with the time warp...wait ...let me do some research on it. I'll get back to you .

I look forward to talking to all of the members in the forums.

Thanks for the "Howdy"


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Oh and NEd,

One other thing, I was born at Tripler Army medical center in Honolulu. I am an Air Force brat as well as being a Navy vet. My dad worked in the Kaliea (sp?) Tunnels, up around the big Cross on the pass. WE left when I was in second grade ( after my dad's second tour there, first tour he worked at Hickam field) and I still remember that.


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Welcome to our " family" Dawn. I've read your posts and I agree with NED, you have certainly done your homework finding out about this disease and it's diagnosis etc. You will really be a great addition!

Theres nothing nice about lung cancer I know but I bet you know that SCLC is very suceptable to chemo and responds well. I know of several people with the diagnosis of extensive that are doing well years later! I wish you the same. Do you have family around you besides your children? or great friends? I bet this is really hard on your kids also. Keep us posted.

Donna G

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Hi Dawn-

Welcome to our group.

You sure do seems to be quite knowledgeable about this disease and that, along with your GREAT attitude, will serve you well.

I am so glad that you are responding so well to the chemo. Sorry about the hair thing, mine came back in grayer than before, also. And right down the middle of my head, kinda like a mohawk, it was kinky curly and the rest of my hair straight!! Kinda looked like I had a brillo pad sitting on top of my head. But that went away eventually!!

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Hoping to get to know you better.

Hugs - Patti B.

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Hi Dawn

Welcome to the group. You certainly do know your stuff. It is great that you are responding so well to treatment.

I have family in the Dallas area. My stepson Mike, DIL and his 2 girls live in Little Elm which is another suburb of Dallas.

Hoping to get to know you better.


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I have been to West! My deceased husband was a truck driver and he said the best place in Texas to get the best kolaches was in West and one day he had a hankering for kolaches, so off we went.
Small world! The last time I was in West was in 1995. My parents had moved to Waco, and afer my mother died I took my son and 2 daughters through West to show them my old stompin' grounds — it really hadn't changed much. I then convinced Dad to move to Hawaii, where he enjoyed 3 great years before having a quick decline and passing on in 1998.
My dad worked in the Kaliea (sp?) Tunnels, up around the big cross on the pass. We left when I was in second grade.
Even smaller world! That's the Kunia Tunnel, actually a huge 3-story building constructed in an excavated area then covered with pineapple fields during World War II. The original idea was to build airplanes there and pull them across the road to an auxiliary "gulch runway" at Wheeler Field to be flown out, but mainly it's been used (and still is) by all of the services for intelligence and communications security activities. I had a tour of the facility in the mid 1970s when it was also an alternate command center. The "big cross" in Kolekole Pass was built on Army property in the early 1960s but was removed in 1997 because of upkeep costs and lawsuits regarding separation of church and state. My wife used to write a local history column and has a photo of the cross being repaired by some Army engineers around 1990. We live just a few miles from there.

I guess we should use the PM (private message) system for lengthy reminiscences, but really, who would NOT be interested in this stuff?! :lol:


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That was pretty tacky, wasn't it! Forgot to welcome Dawn to the site. So sorry! Welcome Dawn. I found this site really helpful - especially in the awful early days. In my opinion, you just can't know too much about LC or spend too much time searching for more info.

Good luck.


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Welcome! Glad you're feeling better. I live in Arlington. Katie is starting a new support group that meets twice a month in Trophy Club. I hope you can join us.

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I have been looking for a place to come with concerns and for some support, mainly to give my 24 year old daughter a break. She can't do it all and it is a shame that it took me having cancer to show me just how capable she really is. After my husband died suddenly and very unexpectantly in 2002, and I fell apart she took over for a while till I could pull it all together and she was just 17 then. Shes a keeper, that one.

As far as friends they must have just been only my husbands friends as they all seemed to disappear after he died and as I have not really been in job market, I have just not made any new ones. But I am trying to change that.

Family? Since we are military brats, for a while we were all spread to the four winds, but now however, my mother lives in GA with one of my sisters (she si 72 this month and still working as a nurses aid (my mother, that is ). My brother and his wife live in GA near Atlanta which is north of where my mother lives and another sister (really my daughter(which would maker her my baby sister), but adopted by my mom and dad....a long story) lives pretty close to my mother.

My younger sister, who is another of my rocks lives in SC. She would be here now, but as I know the hardship if would create for her family, I said no. She will be here when I need her, but that time is just not now.

Anyway, thanks for the welcome, I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all. I truly meant what I said about getting together for a glass of tea or coffee, however it would have to be at the first of the month when my pittance check arrives. But the offer stands here at the house. We make a mean iced tea here and the coffee ain't so bad either. We can sit outside and watch to dogs run and drink tea and enjoy the little things in life.

I may try to make the support groups...if only I could find Trophy Club...lol

Again, thank you


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