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The Virtues of Laughter


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This morning I was reading a newspaper article extoling the virtues of laughter. It cited things like--13 muscles are used to smile but 47 are used to frown so it's not as likely to make a wrinkle. 15 minutes of laughter equals the benefit of 2 hours sleep. Studies show a sense of humor can add 8 years to your life. You get the idea.

The article made me recall a year ago when I was first told my cancer was in remission. My husband tentatively suggested we put aside all this cancer stuff for awhile. Taken aback, I suspected part of that "stuff" was this website. I stayed off for maybe a day and a half. During one of my sessions back on, I was laughing hilariously out loud. I caught my husband looking at me out of the corner of my eye. Then it happened again, I explained the best I could that Shelli was having a yard sale and Patti was driving the Keg bus that was picking up passengers along the way going to the sale. I named people and mentioned a few animals that were already aboard. I hoped they would make it to Key West.

From this time on, my husband encouraged me to join the other crazy people on this site because he could witness how much good it did me to laugh like that. He even took to reminding me when it was time for the Tuesday chat. I thought that was sweet. I've not yet laughed outloud reading or posting on Facebook.

I wanted to share this with those of you who miss those days as I do. And to those of you who weren't here for it, I'm sorry.

Judy in Key West

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Judy even reading your story about the Keg bus made me chuckle. Alot of people would check to see if there was anything new posted. We had a great laugh on chat over it as well. I recall getting back from a holiday at the farm to find there were over 90 replies to my farm pass.

Summer is almost here and I think it's time to get the Keg bus rolling again. I'm sure there are new members here now that would enjoy a few laughs as well.

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Clearly, the Golden will be a better driver than our last one. You know who I mean. The sweet lady who drove a million miles an hour and let poor Denise, clinging to the outside of a window, fall off in some godforsaken place.

Should there be another bus ride, lets be careful just what kind of animals we let on the bus. For example, I'm allergic to cats.

I'm glad the bus has been located. I was afraid that it was missing or that one of our members had stolen it. Again, you know the many suspects.

Yes, we do need some fun and some laughter. I'll leave it to someone else, more creative than me, to start something.


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I hear rumour that the bathroom on the keg bus is being upgraded to a "spa" like facility. So all of us lovely ladies have lots of room to keep ourselves looking good. It will be a place to step away from the mayhem of all the crazy riders! I wonder where we will be going first? Hey Patti, any ideas about where to go? And how is the bathroom renovation coming along?

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Patti, is surprisingly quiet. We may have to go with Katie's driver. He looks nice. Think he's as good a driver as Patti LOL. Wouildn't have to be too good, would he/she.

Been thinking about where we could go. I thought maybe a rescue--any ideas of who what might need rescuing? Anyone???

Judy in Key West

Judy in Key West

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Ready to roll here too. I am packed as well. The driver will need to stop for me this time. I don't think I have the strength to grab the hook this time. Jayla is packed too. She is older now and can handle longer trips. She also know's a lot more songs then Patty Cake now and can cut a CD if needed.

Where is the bus pulling out from now anyway?


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