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Hi Jean, I had 4 rounds of Gemzar along with carboplatin. Side effects werent to bad.I had loss of appetite and fatigue . Some hair loss but did not lose all. Also had restless leg syndrome but I dont know if it was from the Gemzar.


Hi Jean. I received a few Gemzar infusions. It was pretty rough on me but I think it is fairly tolerable for most. It knocked me out pretty good, nausea, etc. and I did experience hair loss. Hope that helps



Thanks Mike and Sandra for your replies. Thom starts this next week and has two weeks on (once a week) and one week off. Just was wondering how well it was tolerated. He will have it with Avastin. His doctor stopped the Taxotere and Carboplatin. We are praying for good results.

Thanks again,



Hi Jean,

I had the Gemzar/Carpo (6 rnds) combo and if memory serves me well I only had to have a platelet (I also have ITP, a blood disorder) transfusion. Other then that I don't remember any problems. Good Luck!



4 cycles of Gemzar (gemcitabine)/Cisplatin here. 4 rounds of Cis required lots of anti-nausea drugs and rest, 8 rounds of Gemzar, nothing - well maybe some extra rest. We would go out for lunch after my Gemzar solo days and they marked the upswing in my cycles. At least that is how I remember it. I got through all of it with no added blood or blood enhancement.

There is reimbursement available for this drug too (I did not take advantage of it.) http://www.gemzar.com/pat/pat560_reimbu ... upport.jsp

Insured, underinsured, or not insured.

Toasting good results!



Thanks again for everyone's replies. Thom had the first infusion on Wed. and so far, so good. His doc seemed to think this treatment to be a little more kinder than his previous chemo-even though he didn't really have issues with it either. I appreciate everyone's input.

Have a great week-end!



Hi Jean

I'm glad to hear that Thom's first infusion seems to have gone well and hope that he continues to do as well with this treatment plan.

My dad's first line treatment was Carbo/Gemcitabine and he didn't tolerate it very well at all. He ended up in the hospital with an infection and low BC and so he had a transfusion and the treatment had to be stopped. Although on a brighter note, he only took 2 infusions and they saw a 50% reductions in the primary tumour.


Thanks Caren for sharing your Dad experience. I am so grateful to hear about the 50% shrinkage. Hoping for better days for your Dad.



Thank you Jean.

My dad is currently back in the hospital since starting his 2nd line treatment (Tarceva) and having a terrible reaction to this treatment too.


I'm sorry to hear that Caren. Please know that I will keep him in my prayers. I lost my Dad to lung cancer almost 7 years ago so I am on my second round of dealing with stage IV lung cancer with someone who is very close to me. It is not easy. I pray alot, take it one day at a time, and be grateful for everything I can be grateful for.

Take care,


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