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Getting to Know You - Wednesday, June 24


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Although this seems like a definite questions for all the gals on board, I'm sure you guys have seen a few of these.

So...the GTKY question for today is.....

Name three of your all time favorite chick flicks.....

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Ghost, Pretty Woman, The Notebook.

I'm not sure two of those qualify as true chick flicks. Larry enjoyed Ghost, although it was several years old before he would consent to watch it. And Pretty Woman was one of his all-time favorite films. Who knows, maybe he was just lusting after Julia Roberts. :lol:


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I'm not sure if these qualify as 'chick flicks' but they feature women very prominently:

Two Women (with Sophia Loren)

Indiscreet (with Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant)

An Affair to Remember (with Deborah Kerr and Cary Grant)


La Strada (with Giulietta Masina and Tony Quinn)

Autumn Sonata (with Ingrid Bergman and Liv Ullman)

Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont (with Joan Plowright)

Anastasia (with Ingrid Bergman and Yul Brynner)

and a few thousand others...


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