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Remembering my Dad, today on his Birthday...


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Happy Birthday, Dad! xoxo

Dad was so close to his 'goal' of reaching 70 but never quite made it :(

He was due to see the Oncologist today and when he got the appointment I doubted that he would make it to this day. I wish he had. I love and miss him so much.

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Caren, just another one of those days to "get through." Wish for you that your Dad had made his seventieth. I know how much you miss him. Sorry your puppy is sick but here's hoping the shifted focus will make your day go easier.

Judy in Key West

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Birthdays are hard enough, but I could see how this one would be even more difficult. My sister told me early on - I don't want to die in my 60s. So I told her - well then let's get you to 70. But I so worry about that date too.

I hope you find comfort in the love and memories that stay with us long after we lose someone. But I know on days like this, when your emotions are so very raw, it can be very hard to find that comfort. I used to just aim to get through those days (sometimes by just staying in bed).

So here's to tomorrow, may it be a wee bit easier, since that is the way it works, baby steps towards feeling whole again.

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