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Wednesday's Air


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Morning All! Yesterday was such a busy day but thanks to a few friends, the Air got done. My ears were burning so I jumped in late last night. It was a busy day but, I have to admit, I violated my rule and did go in to tend my farm on Farmville . I'm putting myself in time-out as soon as I finish on site.

My eyes are at the burning goopy stage of this cycle they go through now after every infusion. I've also established it starts about the same time after each infusion and the pattern is the same every time. I found the wash I was looking for and am doing it three times a day. What that means, I guess, is that I just have to put up with it. It makes it difficult to stay on the computer tho.

I usually go into members profile then check all posts to see when they posted last before I count them MIA. Haven't had time for that so I'll just mention it here before I do a separate post looking for them. Anyone know how Will is doing after his surgery? And Donnie, has he been around? I pm'd him awhile ago but don't think I got a response. Mike, I know you're still here--I saw you lurking last night lol. Can't help it, I worry.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning everyone.

Judy...I love the new picture !!! I can relate to your vow about staying away from the farm for a day. I have had to do the same with my diner at cafe World. I'm convinced that there has to be something very wrong with me, since no one in their right mind would like to cook, clean stoves and move tables around all day. But, I must admit that I'm hooked.

The weather is really nice this morning on Florida's east coast. The temps are in the 70's today but the high for tomorrow is only supposed to be 70. We have rain rolling in later today and a cold front is right behind the rain. I hope the rain holds off long enough so the many people participating in Veterans Day parades and events stay dry. Normally, I would be marching in the local parade but I have to work today.

I hope everyone has a great day and my hat's off to all the VETERANS that have sacrificed so much to serve the USA and keep us free!!!

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Good morning, everyone! It's slightly cooler today here in north Texas, but still going to be a beautiful day with a high of 70 degrees. I rode my bike to work for the third straight day this week.

The network here at work blocks so much stuff that I'll have to wait until I get home to see Judy's new photo. I figure it's only a matter of time until they block all forums, including this site. How much longer do I have before retirement?

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It is cloudy and cool here this morning. The temperature is not supposed to get out of the 50s for most of the week. I can't say that I am sorry. I love the cooler weather and we need the rain that is coming.

I too need to get off the computer today. I have a lot of things to do and seem to get stuck trying to do all of those game invites. I think I am going to have to start refusing some of them. Just never enough time.

I am glad that you all liked my pictures of the children, I have been wanting to post some for a whiile but I am not up to date on how to do it. The picture of Johnny is one of my favorites. His eyes are just so beautiful. they are what I always see first when a memory comes.

Well off to the shower then to get some things done. Time in winding down until my trip, not to mention our Thanksgiving dinner here that I am cooking next Wednesday and then off to my sister in laws for Thanksgiving day. Shop, pack and cook are three priorities then my sewing projects. I have to finish the new gingerbread house I am working on and do a photo album cover and a picture frame before I leave.

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Good morning everyone! I slept til 10 - that is a crime! But I had gone to Boston for a few days to spend time with my daughter on her 24th birthday and we walked and walked and walked! Top that off with the fact that Michelle asked me to be her friend on Cafe World - which I had no intention of playing, isn't two farms enough?!- so I was up until 1 in the morning cooking and washing dishes! Why is that fun - and what subliminal messages is that game sending out to make me play it for hours?!! :lol:

Love the new pictures Judy and Lily!

My husband is home this morning - we are terracing the backyard - and he is shoveling a truckload of dirt - I will spend the day painting the family room. It is kind of gray outside - and chilly. Good day to be inside.

peace - Janet

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Good morning everyone! I slept til 10 - that is a crime! But I had gone to Boston for a few days to spend time with my daughter on her 24th birthday and we walked and walked and walked! Top that off with the fact that Michelle asked me to be her friend on Cafe World - which I had no intention of playing, isn't two farms enough?!- so I was up until 1 in the morning cooking and washing dishes! Why is that fun - and what subliminal messages is that game sending out to make me play it for hours?!! :lol:

Love the new pictures Judy and Lily!

My husband is home this morning - we are terracing the backyard - and he is shoveling a truckload of dirt - I will spend the day painting the family room. It is kind of gray outside - and chilly. Good day to be inside.

peace - Janet

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Good morning to all! From looking out my window this morning I see it's going to be cloudy, but I have to head outside today anyway. I haven't been out in days but I have some banking to take care of....so I'll just have to throw on a baseball cap and run. I don't have the desire for fixing my hair and putting on make-up, so if I scare anyone today it's just too bad huh?

Janet...thanks for starting a cafe! I agree it's very addictive put I enjoy it because it takes my mind off of things right now. Ann is the one who got me started on it and I'm grateful for the distraction.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Woke to sunshine today - first time in at least a week!

Yesterday was a year since my surgery and I swam, went to work, and went out for a nice BBQ dinner with my sweetie. Is it ironic that we went out for smoked meat? Wouldn't it be funny to have a lung cancer awareness bbq?

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Great weather in NTX today as Bud said. Fixing to open up the chat here in about an hour. While waiting on people to come in, I too will be playing my Facebook apps (games)

I am a relative newbie to FB as I don't really know how to look people up. We should have a separate forum just to talk about those games, lol. I do a lot of the fish and farm ones (don't really care for the Cafe ones as at one time I used to manage one)as well as mafia, vampire and castle/medievil ones. I like to pretend all the things I am beating up on in the mafia, vampire, and castle ones are all of the different kinds of cancers and visualize them being "iced" (as they say in the mafia games).

I learned after my husband died and I had to learn new coping skills to handle panic attacks, that visualization is a good skill to learn and does work. So far my ext.sclc is still at bay, but will find out more on Friday.

I am off to log on and play a few games and then open up chat. Ya'll come!


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ts, LOL at the lca bbq! But it sounds like you are doing great a year after extensive surgery. Good for you.

Bud, it is a wonder people can get on our site at work. I think it's only right to allow people their cancer support people tho. Glad the weather is allowing you to bike to work. But if you need a rainy day to get a rest, let me know. I'll try some witches spells for you. Just kidding folks. Honest, I am not a witch.

All you gals on facebook, I let myself get hooked into two farms, I'm not even checking out the games. The farms are keeping me from spending so much time on Zuma and Luxor and Big Kahuna Reef. And that cafe, I was a waitress in one of my other lives and no way. But really, waitressing was kinda fun. And who was it, Lily, mentioned a fish farm. Oh no, I live in KW and know I would love a fish farm. My grandson and I used to do Insaniquarium. Judy, just say no to....

Judy in Key West

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Judy, I'm taking a two day break from riding to work, tomorrow and Friday, even without rain. I'm doing a 130 mile ride Saturday with a couple of friends. They're both faster than me and, hating to slow them down too much, I always end up hammering along for all I'm worth when I ride with them. So, a couple of rest days before the ride seems in order.

ts, the city of Corsicana, Texas was made fun of all over the internet because they actually held a cancer fund raising bbq there. Read about it here (which is not to say that I believe everything from those nutrition sites, either, but charred meat is a proven carcinogen, making a cancer bbq very politically incorrect).

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I posted earlier that I had some banking to do this morning....well, dumb me....they were closed for Veterans Day.

It seems I'm not exactly the brightest crayon in the box am I ???? That's okay...off to play on FB now. I have to go tend to Judy's farm :wink:

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Hi everyone,Judy I am alive and well but thank you for your concern. I go in streaks as far as posting.Its chilly and windy here again. I feel like we were cheated out of summer and fall this year. We went from spring back to winter. I been keeping myself entertained with some white homing pigeons. I had them as a teenager and kind of picked up where I left off 40 years ago. I know alot of people see pigeons as kind of a flying rat but I am fascinated by them. Hope everyone has a nice day.

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Mike - my neighbor keeps pigeons! He lets them out - there must be 30 of them - and they sit together on the phone line waiting patiently for him to let them back in! Every once in a while they take off - make a big U turn and go right back to the wire. We have a neighborhood hawk that eats the birds out of my bird feeder - but he doesn't seem to bother with the pigeons - maybe because of the great number of them?

If anyone knows how to get rid of the hawk (without harming him) let me know!


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Good to see so many people needing Air today!

Michelle, don't feel bad, I sent my husband to the bank today and he went. Neither of us connected with Veterans Day, banks closed.

Dawn, I was talking about the ones I've been seeing like Mafia, can't remember the names of the others. I tried watching TV on my computer when I was traveling. It wasn't very good on my mobile internet.

It's good you have the sense to rest up for the weekend ride Bud, even tho you don't have the sense to not knock yourself out keeping up with the other bikers lol.

Mike, so glad to see you checking in. I love birds and pigeons are no exception. We have them downtown but out here in the country, we have doves. My husband talks about having homing pigeons when he was a kid. You've given me an idea for him as a hobby.

Have a good evening everyone.

Judy in Key West

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Mike, so glad to see you checking in. I love birds and pigeons are no exception. We have them downtown but out here in the country, we have doves. My husband talks about having homing pigeons when he was a kid. You've given me an idea for him as a hobby.

Judy in Key West

When would your husband have time for pigeons when he's cooking for you? LOL

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