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5 Year D-Day


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It was five years ago today that my Mom was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Five years ago my world changed.

Five years ago I found you guys. And in the darkest seasons of my life, you all helped give me hope.

I wish I could be here celebrating my Mom's 5 year survival today but I can't be.

Instead I'll celebrate my own survival, and resilience. I'll celebrate the beauty of who my Mom was. I'll celebrate the hope that LCSC and LUNGevity are bringing. And I'll celebrate so many of you who have become my friends.

Love to you all,


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I will raise my glass to salute your survival, Val. I know it hasn't been easy for you, but here you are, raising two little girls and loving a man who belongs to the country. Your mother passed her genes to you, the tenacity, the fortitude, and common sense.

Love to you and yours,


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Oh (((Val))).......I will celebrate YOU and the woman your mother was. Your post drives home for me the crap shoot this beast called LC really is. Your mother and I were dx just 2 months apart. Yes, Sept. 21, 2004 is my d-day. So the question is ~ why one of us is still here and the other not??? Your journey has been a difficult one. The joy of your first pregnancy coupled with the devastation of lung cancer. I recall your incredible devotion and care ~ putting aside all those things expectant mommies spend their time doing to be all you could be for your mama. You were a remarkable young woman before it all. You've come out the other side even more incredible ~ a better mother, a better wife, a better daughter, a better friend. I am so fortunate to know such a woman.

So Val, today at 5:00 as Fred and I share our glass of wine, it will to honor you and your wonderful mama. You know niether one of will ever be forgotten by us.



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