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Hi, welcome to LCSC. I enjoyed reading your blog — well, as much as anyone can enjoy reading about cancer. I've heard of Dr. Ho, in fact, she's on the faculty of GRACE (cancergrace.org), a great site for medical information on lung cancer.

I know what you mean about the exam gowns. At my imaging center they now tell us to put the gowns on so the tie is in the front, if that's easier. They also have another type that's like a huge shirt, and it closes in the front even better.

Hope you get your diagnosis soon and can get your treatment started. Best wishes and Aloha,


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A good read. Wishing for lymphoma? What a weird world we inhabit.

Loved the photo of your cat and all the stories. My team for the lung cancer awareness walk/run (odd thing to make lung cancer survivors do?) last year was called "No-Jello" from my private journal and my dislike of hospital jello. Yes, cancer, a new hobby. After almost a year of it, I had to take a night course to try and focus on something else. Somehow cancer keeps hanging around anyway.

Welcome - hope you hang around here and keep us updated.

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Thanks for the laughs I got from your blog,my first encounter

with hospital gowns,I put it on with the opening at the front,with half the tiers missing,doing nothing much for my modesty,a passing nurse spotted me and in a fit of giggles,instucted me to reverse the gown and then put on the provided dressing gown.

Would be nice to be kept informed of your progress,pleasure to meet you-best wishes.

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Welcome aboard! Can't believe you're still waiting since Feb. I'm the most impatient person I know and I definitely commiserate with you. Can't read your blog right now. Have to get in my office. But I definitely will because I love humor and it's been suggested here you deliver a good dose.

Keep us posted.

Judy in KW

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Welcome - you will find a lot of hope and help on this site.

I don't have time to read your whole blog right now but I skimmed it - and so far:

1. I had a cat that looked JUST like yours. He died this summer, but his best trick was to walk across my eyeballs at night!

2. When I was in the hospital for a week - forget bad food - I got NO food! It became the family joke - they would take my order and then decide they were going to do surgery so I couldn't eat, they would change their mind about the surgery, take my order, then decide to do a different surgery. All week long all I kept asking for was a cheeseburger, and I am not kidding, they never fed me! Of course I got billed for meals!

3. LOL I ALWAYS get an itch on my nose the SECOND I go into the PET scan!

I am sure I am going to enjoy the rest of your blog - just wish you were writing it for a happier reason :roll:

Keep us posted!

peace - Janet

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Hello again. I just went and read your blog. Wow! I can not imagine still waiting to hear the stage your cancer is in, and awaiting treatment.

I went in on a Friday at 10:00AM, and by 2:00 that same day I was told my prognosis, and they scheduled surgery that same day. It was way too fast for me, so I set up a meeting at the Mayo Clinic to get a second opinion. Removing the upper lobe of my left lung seemed drastic to me.

However, after flying to Mayo Clinic, and they agreed with my doctors at home, I came home and had the surgery, and agreed to the follow up treatment of chemo.

I wish you the best with this. You are a brilliant writer, and I appreciate your sense of humor.

Judy in MI

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Myrtle,

Yes, cancer is a complicated disease. Of that, I was apprised throughout five years of my husband's journey with lung cancer.

Keeping our heads and not going off half-crazed with the diagnosis helped us a great deal. Bill's journey lasted five years. That was with a very good quality of life.

Adding nutrition, keeping active, and coming HERE to vent, seek support and hopefully, to give to others filled the rest of the recipe.

Your humor is a signal of intent to keep perspective through this. That can only enhance your mental and emotional grip on this.

I read every single word of your blog. There won't be any preaching by me, but . . . :lol:

Wishing you much success in your treatments,


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