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PS -- and hair loss, too!


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I told my mom I just sent my question out to all you wonderful folks and she's finally realizing what this site means to me and how incredible it is. And she actually wanted me to ask another question. Again, every person and every drug is different. But between all of you, what was the average time it took for you to start losing your hair? If you did, of course! Again, I know all your experiences will be different, but reading them will be helpful anyway.

Thank you!


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I was about like Katie's Dad, 10 days to 2 weeks, so I had it cut super super shot, but by week 4 it had gotten so bad I just shaved it off and was much more comfortable. There are a few people who don't lose their hair - so I think most of us wait until we're sure we are going to lose it before we actually take any drastic steps.

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Um Gemzar navelbine combo, Radiation, Taxol I think or Carboplatin, Iressa, Tarceva, and about 1/2 way through tarceva was when Deb finally got her wig. that was when she went hairless basically.. Everyone is different! almost 2 and a half years....?

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It's neat that you are sharing this place with her. Who knows? Maybe she'll actually get on line herself! Wouldn't that be nice. We've talked on the phone, so you know my story. My hair fell out almost immediately, but I was on a different chemo from Mom.

It was about a week after the infusion when I was sitting at my computer and playing with my hair and a big handful of it came out. I was shocked, but not surprised. With so many in my family that had cancer, and we all lost our hair! No surprise. I got up, marched into the bathroom and shaved it at that first handful of hair.

I didn't want to mourn the loss of my hair. It was important for me to feel "in control" and by shaving my head, I did.

Judy in MI

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During chemo, my hair hurt (scalp really) on a cyclical timeline but did not fall out. I had 4 cycles of cisplatin and gemzar (gemcitabine) that took 2 1/2 months to complete. The month after, I'd say my hair thinned about 1/3. I have thick hair, so no one noticed, but I could see it in the shower and feel it washing my hair. My hair cutter could tell, but what really fascinated her was that she could see the cycles in the hair along its length - the hair changed color and texture over each cycle of the treatment.

On Tarceva, I have had some thinning, very different texture, and some scalp problems. Still a full head of hair, though I went 4 months without getting it cut and it was still short. I used to be a 4-6 weeks between cuts type.

Don't shop just yet.

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My husband had 6 cycles of cisplatin/vinoralbine and did not lose any hair (but he didn't have a lot to begin with, given that he had been growing bald over the last 30 years!) Hopefully your Mom wil have the same experience, but if she doesn't it is interesting to go through, as another friend of mine had chemo for breast cancer, lost all her hair, and when it grew back it was flaming red, which made a nice change for her LOL.

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Love you guys for sharing and for being so patient with me. I know that every drug, every treatment regime, and every person is different, so don't worry about me "counting" on anything you say. As newbies to this, it's just really reassuring and interesting to hear how others reacted.

Thank you!


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Hi Kim,

Sorry to be such a bore, but I kept all my hair (even the gray ones) after cisplatin and vinorolbean,god bless.

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Thanks, Geri and Eric! Your input is much appreciated. You both made me and my mom laugh -- Geri with her "moulting" comment (hey, the taste buds get weird during chemo so maybe a little human hair on ice cream might be tasty!). And Eric for his unfailing and extremely annoying :) lack of symptoms. Actually, Eric, your "no nausea" thing is incredibly reassuring. I know mom might not be so lucky, but it's good to know that some people escape it!

Thanks, guys!


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