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Unexpected Gifts


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Although I don't post too often, I think most of you know I am now on my second dx of lung cancer. When I found out I had this again in 2008 - not operable this time - I honestly didn't expect much. I figured I'd had a good 10-1/2 years and probably wouldn't do to well this time around - the doctors certainly didn't think so. While I have grandchildren from my two oldest kids, my youngest son and his wife had been married 10 years with no children. They didn't seem to interested. Six months after my dx, they shocked everyone by announcing they were expecting. It was my greatest hope that I would be here for the birth of their first child. (Avatar is my grandson, Sean). I am sitting in front of my computer today, instead of working, because I am waiting for a phone call to head over to the hospital for the birth of their second son this afternoon.

I was just thinking how amazing it is that not only am I still here, but I have been blessed to be here for these two wonderful events - neither of which were expected. I think it just goes to show that no matter how we think the future looks today, we really don't know and things can change, and amazing thinks can happen.

Just wanted to share this.


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Thanks Dianne for sharing your story,it does bring hope to so many,your grandson is just so cute.I just know you will have the pleasure of watching him grow up.

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How adorable is he! What is the new baby, grandson or daughter. Your story is not only important for us as a long-term survivor but as someone who has dealt successfully with the recurrance of our cancer. When I went into remission early on in my journey, I was sure it was gone. The docs told me it would probably come back and I said "what the hel# do they know anyway." When it came back, I was devastated. I've heard people in similar situation say the same. It took a long time to really come back emotionally after that. You are a great inspiration to me and others.

Enjoy those babies!

Judy in KW

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