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Signs that make you feel better.


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Katie has posted about her dragonflies and some of us have told of our "signs" that we feel come from our departed loved ones. We haven't done this in a very long time so I am suggesting that we start a tread about those signs. I know there are many new people who really are at lose ends after losing someone they love. I think a tread like that will give them hope and also make them not afraid to accept a sign when they get it.

So I am asking everyone to post what you feel is your sign from a loved one or if you have not had a sign yet to post what you would associate with a departed loved one. This usually gets very interesting. I love the stories and seeing others help to validate mine.

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the first sign that I ever had or experienced was waking up and seeing BUNNIES on front yard after Deb passed!! several of them! i was Honey Bunny to her so it stuck! The other sign are the hummingbirds! she used to work in Garden in front yard where her Hummingbird feeder was hanging and one day she had 2 hummingbirds, 1 on each side of her hovering as if on her shoulders!!! :mrgreen:

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I will have cardinals appear...I am sure they are messages, especially in the winter wwhen I look for that connection to natural beauty that just isn't there because of cold and snow...I feel like Mom sends the cardinals to hold me over to spring.

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I admit to being a bit of a skeptic when it comes to this type of thing, and my husband's even more so - at least until my folks died. My maiden name was Quackenbush - so my Dad's friends called him "Quack" and my nickname in school was "ducky" and Mom collected - of course - ducks and always said she would come back as a duck! My folks were married for 62 years and in '98 Dad died suddenly a few weeks before my first LC dx, and then my Mom a few months later. Being an only child, I felt totally abandoned and pretty much in shock. One day not too long after Mom died, my husband and I went by my parents house to clean some things out. As we pulled into the driveway we noticed two wild ducks on the front lawn - we got out, slammed the car doors figuring they'd take off -- but they just started walking around the car, over to the front porch -- back to the car, back to the house, then they just sort of stood there looking at us. I know how weird this sounds - it was very weird! But no matter how much I try to tell myself this was just some really odd coincidence, I can't help but feel that my parents were trying to tell us that they were together and not to worry about them. True or not - it made me feel much better.

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Signs - not really any. The whole night that Earl was dying I kept telling him he was my heart. To this day, I sometimes feel my heart feel very full. Yep, I know he is there and always will be. Also, the first time he was in my 'remembered' dreams. That was a very happy experience.

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