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Thursday's Air


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Morning All! Whoa, that was weird. I was in the middle of a post here and got kicked off-line. Back to it. I was awake at 3 am and up at 4:30. Will not be a happy camper today. No chance to nap--the cleaning lady is coming later and will be here til about 1:30. I have a massage at 3. Hope I don't fall asleep on the table.

Was back in the orchid room yesterday morning. Have 5 blooming plants outside my window now. As I groom, I find blooms hiding here and there. I do miss digging in the dirt, but the orchids let me still do the nurturing.

Have been reading Water for Elephants. It's an o.k. read but I'm looking forward to going on to the next book. Want to hear something funny. I have two more waiting that I bouth with ...Elephants but can't remember right now what they are lol.

Have a good day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Hi KW Judy, My mom is 92 and lives just north of Orlando. She's been an orchid grower most of her life. When she was young and lived here in Pa., she and a few orchid friends started a group called CPOS. Central Pa. Orchid Society. I don't know if it still exists but she still tends a group of orchids in her little courtyard. When I was little, I helped tend her greenhouse if she went away. I was always amazed at the variety of colors, shapes and sizes and fragrances. The greenhouse always had a tropical jungle like damp smell. Very pleasant. I'm sure it gives you great releif to be among those wonderful blooms.

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 78 degrees as I rode to work this morning. forecast high is 101. I could just copy and paste that from any day's post this week, huh?

Annette, if you're into TV series with no commercials, Netflix should be right down your alley. For $8 a month, with a high speed internet connection and some kind of streaming device (like a Roku box), you could watch lots of series. I think we'll do the $10 a month plan, which includes a couple of movie DVD's, since we won't have any other source of newer movies then.

KW Judy, yes, I am definitely ready for retirement, mentally, if not financially. There never seems to be enough hours in the day, and I'd really like to stop spending so much time in a nasty machine shop, and spend more with my dogs, taking it easy at home, watching stupid TV, etc.

Glad you got a good rain, Ann. I hope we get some around here soon. Have a great day, all!

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Hey folks

Well my business trip up north got cut from 4 days to a 1 day turnaround. The guy that I am doing some work for had to leave town when his wife developed some complications with her pregnancy. Rescheduled everything for next week.

Well Judy KW I'm not into orchids just Alfalfa and hay for the cattle. LOL But I'm sure your orchid's are alot prettier looking. I have a big vegetable garden does that count ? LOL

Alan I always enjoyed the scent's in a greenhouse but since I had my operation I find that it bother's me now.

Bud I would love to retire and spend all my time here on the farm but my bank statement tell's me i still have to work. LOL

Hope thing's stop spinning and you are having a better day today sara.

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Good morning everyone. I can't believe it's not noon yet and I actually have time to post. I am so looking forward to my favorite day of the week...Friday. It seems like each week gets tougher and tougher for me to get through. There are so many things in life that I would love to be doing and I'm tied down with work. I guess I might as well adjust because I have many, many years to go!!!

Bud, the rain was wonderful. We got about an inch of rain and I know my poor grass was loving every minute of it. Forecasters say that our heat is finally reaching the point that we'll be back in the pattern of late afternoon showers.

KW Judy...Dennis' father loved orchids and he actually had to have a greenhouse built to house them all. That became full, the porch became full and they were all beautiful. You know, in all those years, he gave me lots of various plants but he never gave me an orchid. He loved them so much that I think he knew that my green thumb isn't green at all and he knew that I would kill the poor little plant.

Bruce...sorry your trip got cut short. I hope your associates wife is feeling better.

Alan...I live in central Florida, about an hour east of Orlando. There are a lot of people in this area that have beautiful orchids, unfortunately I'm not one of them. It sounds like your aunt has a green thumb.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'll spend the remainder of my day at my computer, working on payroll and reconciling bank statements. Not my idea of a fun day but I can get ready to celebrate the end of the week tomorrow. At least my computer speakers are working and I can keep up with the Casey Anthony trial today. Thank goodness we have a local station that's streaming the entire trial without interruption. Sad to say but I am completely addicted to this case and haven't missed a minute. What I miss during the day,. I go home and watch the DVR. I should have been an attorney....


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Good morning all - a nice cool morning on the way to work. Of course by the time I leave it will be dripping hot. I hate to jinx things but so far (well 4 hours into my day) it has been a nice day. I mean seriously - it's Thursday and I haven't done a lick of work. I was reading the Student Code of Conduct. No, yes, no, yes I am not obsessed with defending my nephew. We have a disciplinary review hearing on Monday and they want to expel him for a year. Obviously I want otherwise and so I am trying to come up with a million reasons for them to give him another chance. I mean after all I have given him about a zillion and I'm feeling pretty darn good about it. (Excuse me while I go knock on a thousand pieces of wood!)

Bud - I will have to investigate that Netflix. I have gotten so used to buying myself a movie or season so I have two huge bookcases of movies (all in alphabetical order!). I am having trouble going from real paper "books" to the kindle that Keith bought me. My family has always been huge readers and if I can ever finish reading all the books I have been carrying with me for 20 years I will start turning my collection into e-literature.

Bruce - I am guessing you have a different kind of "flower" smell with all the animals. I know Keith's sister has a huge field next to his house and sometimes with 6 horses well it isn't an orchid smell. I know what you mean about some flower smells being overwhelming. I have the same problem with some of the stronger fragrances and let's not even talk about perfume. I swear I have been amazed at some of the respiratory therapists at the hospital recently (for my mom not me). They walk in after bathing in some horrible smelling stuff. I have always thought that like not blocking the doorways into buildings with smoke - work places should have an "odor" free environment. There are just too many people out there that are allergic and/or have breathing problems.

Ann - I have tried to post 3 times now and 3 people were faster than me - of course I am in the same mode as you. Someone has stopped our clocks up here in Virginia too. It may be because I haven't done any work yet - I don't know - but I'll get right on it - well I need to do something first - right. All this talk of retirement - sigh - I have been 29 of 21 years now so I still have way too many work years to go. I was telling my nephew a story about having to get glasses when I turned 30 - and that little smartie pants said "But you are only 29" - I am smiling - with my fingers, toes, ankles, etc. crossed that he stays this "normal" kid.

is anybody watching Master Chef? No one ever cooks my favorite meal - I mean seriously - it is very very hard to cook a hamburger and decent crispy fries. Yummm. I may even go get one tonight - there was a time when I could eat them every day. Lately with all the stress my stomach doesn't really want much of anything. Well except for 3 ice cream cones, or a whole package of pinwheels - see I told you a hamburger was good for me. I used to say it covers most of the food pyramid - bread, vegetable, meat (no not red - make mine well done!), green lettuce, and if you throw in some baked beans it covers all the good stuff. Anyway, they want to cook some really weird stuff - how on earth would ordinary people know all this stuff - I've never even seen it on menus. (Generally - in case you didn't know - I'm from Texas - me like cow.)

Ok - who has fun plans for this weekend?


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I have finally been bunted off the site enough times that I will only post in Word, and then copy and paste it. Judy, I too was up in the middle of the night, so I tried to post a post, I mean why waste a good insomniac moment? LOL! But ½ way through, bam, thrown off the site.

Besides, if I do it in Word, I can split screen, and see what you’all are writing about!

Judy, the orchids sound so beautiful. I’m afraid my nurturing would change them from gorgeous pinks, purples, blues and yellows to black. The only plant that has survived in my house was a cactus, and man! I can’t believe how long they can go without water!

It’s 63 here, high of 71 and lots of rain. For the last 3 days my beasts….er….dogs have been in and out the dog door a hundred times a day. There’s a little chipmunk out there building a nest, and it’s driving the 50 and 70 pound beasts crazy. They stare at the little thing until it gets unbearable and they burst out the door and rush around the house, and of course the little critter can run much faster than them, so they never catch it. It’s providing them with hours of fun!

Bruce, I’m not sure what your business is up North? I’m just curious. I may have asked this before, so forgive me if I did. Short term memory is not my strong point.

Ann, I just want to say how nice it is to see you on the Air. I’ve always enjoyed your delightful sense of humor, and the games you come up with are so fun! The tell the story with movie names yesterday had my laughing out loud, seriously LOL!

Annette, I have not watched the Chef shows. My husband is obsessed with them though. Since he has his grilling radio show now, he is always looking for new ideas to try and put on the show. Sometimes we are sampling the most bizarre things. All in the name of good show biz.

I agree with you about odors, good or bad ones. LOL. Perfume should be banned. Everywhere. It aggravates my asthma, and now with a lobe missing its worse. Gilda’s Club has a No Perfume policy, but it’s difficult to enforce. I felt bad a couple of weeks ago, when a lady sat next to me reeking of it, and I acted distracted, and moved, only to have another one with it wafting off her. Come on! If we bathe and wash, our natural odor is not STINK!

Fun plans for the weekend???? I better be making my own. Randy and Bob had a Name that Pig contest on the radio show. The winner got a BBQ party for 20 at their home. It’s Saturday. And Bob at the last minute said he can’t do it, his wife is ticked at all the time he spends on the show, and he’s taking the family camping. So………don’t worry about the other wife, ME!!!!! Randy tried to joke that I could come along and be the BBQ babe and serve the food. Yeah right. On top of that its Father’s Day, and they always do a BBQ at church for the Dad’s. Guess who is running that? Of course the Grillin’ guy. Not the Grillin’ Guys.

Pay back for that is shopping! LOL

Judy in MI

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Ann if you would like to share some of those afternoon shower's we could use them here. I have never seen weather like this ! We have cloudy days where the sky is just black but still no rain. we are after having 3 thunderstorms in the past week and only got a few drops of rain.

Annette the only animals I ever planned on getting for the farm were a couple horse....for the exact reason you mentioned. But along with 1 of the horses came 7 Llama's because the owner was moving and planned to put them down. Then my water delivery guy showed up one night and was in a financial bind. So I ended up with some cow's. And it just continued until now I have alot of pets. I have lots of tree's, acre's of grass, canola and other grains all around me, etc. There are so many different odor's that you really do not notice one in particular and to be honest it is not as bad as I would have expected. LOL

Judy MI, I do environmental consulting work. Could range from cleaning up an oil spill, setting up a recycling program, or designing a new landfill.

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Bruce....if I get enough rain to share, I'll be more than happy to send some in your direction. I know what you mean about those dark, cloudy skies that don't produce any rain. we've been having them for a couple of weeks. It's a really eerie looking sky and you would swear that the rain was going to come pouring down at any minute.

Annette...I like your idea of a home cooked meal...lol ! We have a really great Goodwill near my office that has a great book section. I've been spending my lunch hour there and I've been getting in so much trouble buying all these great cookbooks. The recipes look great and I have every intention of rushing home and cooking up some of the great dishes....but it never seems to happen. I just bought two more today...lol! Thank goodness the price is only 59 cents each.

So...who wants to join me on the Friday countdown? I(n 24 hours and 2 minutes, I'll be out of here for a well deserved weekend!!!


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We all are seeming to come back today! I had to tell you what I saw when I was driving to Gilda's Club. I saw a couple animal control officers in a farmers field right off the road (a main drag), and there were four bulls standing in the field. There were no fences. They clearly didn't belong in the freshly sown corn. I could see these guys looking around like, "what do we do with this?". If I had time, I would have pulled over to just watch the show!

Got to go. Busy time here.

Judy in MI

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Well Judy MI I would love to know how they got those 4 bull's back home. I bought a bull this winter and have to move him from my coral to a pasture 1/2 mile down the road.

He is beginning to know me now though. When I go over to the coral with a bucket of oats he will come running over to where I am. Actually it is more of a bounce than running, with his head going side to side. An older farmer dropped by last week and he wanted to see the bull. Well the bull came bouncing over and the old farmer looked at me and said he thought the bull was gay ! Now that is not very funny when I paid $4000 for him and am depending on him to breed my cow's this year.

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Good Evening Everyone,

Busy day today,missed out my usual four hour gym workout,spent most of the day in Glasgow shopping for odds and ends for my US hols,some success but still other things to find ,drat,hoped I could do the lot in one visit.I bought a electrical plug convertor from the UKs 3 pin type to your 2 pin type,hope its the right one? This one has two flat pins kinda sloping towards each other at approx 60 degrees,does that sound right to you?.

Looking forward to the Roy Castle, Glasgow Ladies 8Km Star Trekk Night Walk through the city centre,I have volunteered my services as a Steward,fun starts at 8.30pm with a Radio Clyde 1 Road Show with the well known presenter Roxy providing the entertainment for two hours, which includes a mass warm up and dancing.The walk commences at 10.30pm,all proceeds to Lung Cancer,700 participants anticipated.Really nice of Marti Pellow (Wet,Wet,Wet) to endorse the event.

Saturday Night going into Glasgow again to the Bon Accord pub,the Morgan Lee band are playing,my daughter Jennifer has decided to tag along,so I am really going to enjoy myself.

Hi JudyKW,talking of funny books,have you read David Nivens autobiographies?,The Moons a Balloon and Bring on the Empty Horses,the latter a reference to the film director Korda (Michael?)when David was filming the Battle of Balaclava,he heard Korda shouting “Bring on the empty horses”he corrects Korda,saying it is Riderless horses you should have said.Korda furious about being corrected says “You think I know F*** nothing,let me tell you,I know F*** All.Have fun on your luncheon dates,keep smelling the orchids.

OK Bud I have to admit I don’t know what a Roku Box is?.Both you and Bruce hankering for retirement and JudyKW too, for Stan,well I have to say so far,I have found it to be very agreeable,I am enjoying the freedom to choose how to spend my day,I just wonder when the long dark nights of winter appear,will I be fully occupied with my time?.I do miss the daily exchange of banter with my former work colleagues,that is just irreplaceable.Hope you can all join me, soon as.

Hi Annette, Best wishes for your advocating on waywards behalf,I really hope the school board resist the temptation of taking a hardline that would result in exclusion.Given worst case scenario,is there still a educational opertunity for wayward to enrol in another local school,to continue his education?.

Hi JudyMI,Just dying to know,how did Randy get on in his new job?.Gosh lucky you invited to two BBQs on the same day?hope the venues are not too far apart from one another.Tip-dont volunteer for the washing up.

Well its actually to-morrow again,see you all later,enjoy the remainder of Thusday.Bye.

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Bruce - I have learned a lesson today - that I should not be taking a drink when I read these posts - because - gay bull - literally laughed out loud at that one.

Eric- Four hour gym workout - I am in serious trouble - you and Keith are gonna leave me in the dust walking places. Four hours - okay - tell the truth is this a gym that has good looking women in it or are you really working four hours. I'm tired thinking about that one.

We do have a two pin type of plug so I hope it works - If I am sure we can find one at an electronics store. I won't admit it but I had to "google" the roku box thing myself.

I am going to work on my "speech" to give to the review board this weekend. Although there may be an issue with me attending - because they are saying my mom is the only one that can as his "guardian" - so I have the court order, a power of attorney and a really mean attitude to go in with on Monday. I will worry about alternatives after they decide. But I did start doing a little research on "homeschooling" - I will be devastated if they really kick him out. I know it's tomorrow there but I hope you check back and read this tomorrow.

I need to get my mind on writing now,


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Hi Annette,

If I focus on something I really go for it,I have let my weight drift upwards these last two years,35lbs,to be exact,its got to go.The last straw for me was climbing the spiral steps of the Wallace monument,I was so out of breathe reaching the first landing area,everyone was looking at me,including one guy who offered me his bottle of water.

No girls there get my attention,its strictly 1 1/4 hrs on the treadmill (4 miles) 2kms on the rowing machine,then onto approx 10 muscle exercising machines,total workout-continuous-2 1/2 hours,then its downstairs into the swimming pool-target 20 lengths,although not continuous-yet.Jucuzzi next-10mins,ditto,sauna and steam room.Shower, change,home, total time 4 hours and I feel great.Given up,potatoes,french fries of course,biccies (cookies)max two slices of brown bread/day.Only drinking water,fruit juice or zero sugar fizzy drinks,no tea or coffee(to avoid the added sugar)milk is also off my menu,and the most serious one to drop-my little tipple of Whyte and MacKays.

I have been well warned about portions in USA eating places tend to be gynormous,so maybe have to ask each time for childrens portions LOL.

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