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Morning All! It's the last day of the week for your working folk but we know Ann's started a couple of days ago. Hope you are enjoying your conference Ann. Bright, sunshiny day and it looks like the wind layed down for the boy's fishing. Dominick was torn 50-50 he said about going. He stayed up to late and said his mind wanted to go but his body didn't. He went lol.

The shopping trip was a bust. He only saw two things he wanted. A lavender dress shirt and purple tie for dress-up night on the cruise he and his Mom are going on. He didn't have the right pants on to try to tuck it in and it looked like the XS was to small and the S, too big. He was so frustrated and disappointed, I thought he'd cry. Oh, almost teenager, sigh.

Annette, I am so sorry about the recent turn of events. People with addictions lie and appear to have no feelings for those trying to help them when they are caught up in their addictions. You must be crushed after trying so hard. Glad you have the weekend off.

Bud, with no onc appointment, how are you expected to get results? I hate calling and begging for stuff. Looks like I'll have to call my new onc's office today. It's Friday and still no appointment for my chemo next week.

Judy, nice of you to get up early and be so understanding when your friiend cancelled her appointment. On the water issue, I'm with you. Our water is fine and I fill bottles and take with me. Only buy when I'm out without it but am afraid it's more frequently than I'd like. Stan does buy it when he's in the coach. He often doesn't like the water when we travel.

Lily, it is so good to hear you spending a day of leisure. You need to do that more often. Bet it felt really good. The walk is o.k., balances things out. I'm working out lightly on my Total Gym again and it feels good.

Eric, I know you will create a stir in the States with that kilt and T-shirt. We lung cancer survivors will benefit if that translates into more attention to lung cancer research. You certainly have created a stir in Scotland.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 73 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 98. The forecast for the next 10 days is, hot, hot, and more hot.

The weekend is almost here. Rose and I are supposed to go out tomorrow night, so I'm thinking I'll settle for a shorter bike ride tomorrow, and maybe some close to home fishing on Sunday afternoon, if the wind allows.

It will be cool to see what the Evening Times publishes, Eric. Let us know.

Sorry you've had such a tough several days, Annette. I hope it gets better soon.

How did Gilda's go, MI Judy? Enjoy your fish, KW Judy! Back to work for me. Have a great day, all!

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It's Friday - I'm really busy at work today - but wanted to pop in and say good morning. I've got a lot to try and get done before the holiday - July 3rd at approximately 1p.m. - I wonder how on earth I will recognize Eric when he gets off the train. I mean there will probably be a lot of people and I've only been to the train station once.

Oh - wait - I keep reading here that he is going to wear a skirt ... hmm... a kilt. Well I won't look for that I'll look for the Lungevity teeshirt. (I am laughing and smiling as I think of this - now it's only one week away give or take a day).

I am trying to decide if I want to take a chance and drive down to see my daughter or take a bigger chance and drive myself to Charlestown Hollywood Slots. Hmmm. Well, if I go to the bank after work and make myself turn off the DVD player at a reasonable hour - maybe I will get up in the morning and flip a coin.

No matter what I am having a male teenager free weekend! Yeah!!!!

I hope everyone enjoys this weekend as well - I will try and pop back in later and check on everyone.


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Happy Friday!

The weather here is 60 and raining. Lots of wind too. Supposed to get to 65 yet today, and then sunny Saturday and 78, and then back to rain, but warmer temps. This has not been a good summer for boating, and fishing. But we still have plenty of time for old man weather to start behaving!

Gilda's last night was very good. As I listened to those around me, it struck me hard about the courage needed as we live with cancer. There are five in the group that are considered terminal, and are either living with that, or are in clinical trials on 4th and 5th rounds of treatments. They are all ages, across the spectrum. Two of the five are lung cancer survivors. It doesn't depress me, it inspires me to see how they live, take care of spouses, children, and just do life, in spite of how sick they are. Amazing.

Our support group is having a lot of fun on Facebook. We just recently realized we could "friend" each other, and that's been happening at a furious rate. Then one of them decided to create a private group just for us. But he didn't know how to add people to the group. So I popped in this morning and added as many as I could. Now our private group can commiserate without it being public on FB. It's nice. We have all become such dear friends.

Today is the foot doctor. I aim to get my handicapped sticker, and probably get some cortisone shots into the bottom of both feet. The bad news is the pain is excruciating. The good news is it only lasts about 3 seconds. I keep putting in perspective. Considering the other experiences I've gone through, 3 seconds is nothing, right?

Annette, I can't wait for your "meet" with Eric. We've seen his face in so many pictures, I'm sure you'll know him immediately! How fun! We want details, and pictures please.

LOL at the skirt. The Scottish would be horrified at that reference! LOL

Well, that's about it for me!

Hope your weekends are lovely.

Judy in MI

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Good Evening Everyone,

Weather,cloudy bright,warm and dry,not much in the way of sunshine I am afraid,never mind some serious sun next weekend,Hoorah, the start of my American hols.I had to laugh at Annette’s concern about missing me in a busy station,in my LUNGevity T-Shirt,Kilt,and a Helium filled balloon on a string tied to my left ear,a big ERIC written on it,I don’t think you will miss me.You can of course have a wee refresher of my visage by going to You-Tube and typing in eric byrne-stop smoking.

Busy day today,missed out on the gym again,I was half expecting a couple of phone calls today,one from America and one from the Evening Times,well nothing happened?.In the meantime I decided to give the bathroom a good cleaning while I was hanging about,its now sparkling like a new pin.Its now my buddy Bill’s retirement night out tonight,meeting him at 7pm,its in Glasgow,the Ingram Wynd Restaurant,never heard of it,hoping it will have good food,well I will be having a couple of wee sips of the amber nectar,so who cares about the food anyway.I have’nt prepared a speech for Bill,I covered his ground at my retirement night out 5 weeks ago?,I just know there will be some excellent banter and laughs.Got to watch I don’t overdo things,as I am meeting up tomorrow with my sister Dot and her husband Jim,at 10.00am the Waverly leaves its mooring in Glasgow city centre for the Kyles of Bute and Rothesay,please may it not rain,great opertunity for pics down the Firth of Clyde.Live folk music on board so nice party spirit will abound.

I will have to go now,left this post a bit on the late side,need to shower, shave and get dickied up, its 5.45pm,a wee bit of relief for you tonight,me keeping things short.Annette have a really good relaxing weekend without wayward. Goodnight everyone.

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