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Wednesday's Air


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Morning All! Hope my noon massage appointment lifts my spirits. Have been flagging the last couple of days. I do miss Stan but it just dawned on me that deciding to take a break with "stable" suggests to me I'm not going to get that remission again. It's hard to consider. My case was so promising in the beginning. Since the cancer moved to my abdomen, not so much so.

O.k., focus on food. Think I'm hungry too. Make myself a yummy breakfast--a fab bacon, egg, cheese sandwich on Public's baked bread yesterday, oatmeal with banana, raisen and cinnamon today. The rest of the day, not so great. Maybe I'll do take out after my massage. Am not fit to be seen in public so will have to be curb-side. Oh no, sounds like Burger King. I try not to do FF. The fat gives me stomach problems. Think the same with pizza but don't think I'll be up to cooking or want another frozen dinner lol. Stan, help help LOL LOL.

Ann, the wine thing sounds good. I need to wait 3 more days though to avoid aggravating the tongue blisters. Lily, we're waiting. Hope you all have that baby soon! Diane, I laughed at the garage comment. That could take a big chunk of time in my garage lol. It was easier to get started on the taxes yesterday when I realized she meant the quarterlies not the EOY taxes. What an idiot I am these days.

Hope you all have a good day.

Judy in KW

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I missed you all yesterday - my cable has been out since yesterday morning. That means, no Internet, phone or tv. In other words, pretty boring at home! Right now I am sitting in the library checking emails and the boards. It is seriously warm in here! If only they allowed coffee I think I would spend the winter!!! I hate being cold, and it is worse on Tarceva and our house is always so cold. But, it has to be 75 in here, I am in a comfy wingback chair, by a big bay window, maybe I can sneak a coffee in!

I started back at my farm yesterday, we had a two week break over the holidays. It was so nice to get back to all the animals. They really do make a person feel better!

I can't commiserate on the pain of taxes. My husband has always done all of ours, I just sign on the dotted line. He started doing them for his mother when he was just 10 and has been doing them ever since.

I am so glad your spirits are better MI Judy, as that is half the battle. I laughed when you said they may change their mind and send you home, and then discussed the delicious breakfast they would be bringing you - when I was In the hospital, they kept changing their mind about surgery. So, they would tell me no food I was having surgery, then say, surgery is cancelled you can eat, so I would order a meal, before it would come, they would reschedule the surgery and cancel my food. this happened all week. I was in the hospital for 6 days and never got a meal - but you know, when the bill came, I was billed for food!!

I hope you all have wonderful days, I am going to enjoy this warmth a little longer, then off to church to fold some mailings (it is cozy warm there too). Hopefully by the time I get home the cable will be fixed.

Peace - Janet

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Janet - I haven't been to our architectural wonder of a downtown library in some time, but last I was there, there was a coffee cart in the lobby. Well, it is Seattle. I'm not sure what the general policy is, but I think coffee is permitted.

Judy in KW - I think I can get away with the EZ tax return this year! Haven't used that in 20 years, but with no earned income... still have a lot of deductions, but I'm not sure they will do me any good. Last year I was completely surprised to get back more than I paid in! Qualified for some strange refunds and stuff, but still had some earned income.

Had a chest x-ray on Monday - no pneumonia, so I guess it is just the lc causing back pain, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, and all the rest. Maybe a touch of flu? We can hope. Not fun days around here. M has a cold, one cat is shredding and being lethargic, the other is vomiting (me too) and both (or the cats and me) are hibernating most of the day and night.

Frost fog last night. Pink sky this morning. Chance of snow at sea level starting Sunday.

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Judy in KW--Although I have never posted on this forum, I have been following everyone since joining last July. Hope I get the post correct. If you caught my update today, we escaped from the doctors for the month of January and are de-stressing here in one of our favorite places, Key West. Then it's back home to prepare for Tee's first round of tests after her surgery. Based on your post today, this may be a bad time to ask this but would you please share your favorite restaurants here?

Tom & Tee

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Judy in KW--Although I have never posted on this forum, I have been following everyone since joining last July. Hope I get the post correct. If you caught my update today, we escaped from the doctors for the month of January and are de-stressing here in one of our favorite places, Key West. Then it's back home to prepare for Tee's first round of tests after her surgery. Based on your post today, this may be a bad time to ask this but would you please share your favorite restaurants here?

Tom & Tee

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Good Evening Everyone,

I was leaving my buddies Bill and May's home about an hour ago,the temp gauge on my dashboard read 12 degrees C, to convert to Fahrenheit,multiply by nine,divide by five and then add thirty two=53 degrees? Scotland in January and 8.30pm?whats going on?who said global warming is a myth?.

Gymming and swimming today,then round to Bills for a blether,he asked me to run him up to A&E in Monklands Hospital,he has pain in one of his eyes and could'nt sleep properly last night,I picked him up 2 hours later,they could'nt find any foreign body in it,gave him some ointment to apply,come back in five days if not better.

College lunch to-morrow with, Bill,Liz and Rhoda,I may also see Jennifer when she finishes teaching her English class,I will miss my indoor bowling game at night as Jennifer and Chris are both going out, and have asked me to babysit their new puppy.

Emma Gunby of the Roy Castle LC Found',sent me the link for my feature in the Evening Times,its amazing, since I am still waiting for reporter Sarah to send it?.I phoned Emma to thank her,and asked her earth did she know about an article in a Glasgow newspaper, when she lives in Liverpool? she said she has a machine in her office that prints out any publification automatically, anywhere in the UK that just even mentions the words Roy Castle in its

draft,how amazing is that?,very James Bond,dont you think,or should I say CIA?.Downside is I tried to copy and paste the link for here and it dosnt work,I e-mailed Emma to tell her and she said she would change the link to PDA? to allow me to send it around websites,so far she has'nt done this for me,maybe like Sarah more important tasks got in the way?.I will send the feature in soon as.Used my fold away clothes drier frame today,goodness it holds two machine loads,forget the tumble drier from now on.

JudyKW,I am still trying to lose some waistline,and you describe yesterdays sannie,bacon,egg and cheese,ye gods,delicious,but how many million calories?

Hi Janet,You mention one of my favourite pastimes, reading,Waterhouse and until recently Borders,who unfortunately have gone into receivership,you could go in to their shops,pick up a book and a relax in comfortable surroundings with a coffee and a muffin etc,and just read.Ah bliss,I have mens breakfast at ABC on Saturday morning,now you have put that notion in my head,its off to Waterhouse for the afternoon.

hi Stephanie,Tax returns?what's that?unless you are self employed Brits dont do these,your employer has to do this for you.Just as well,I would end up in jail for tax evasion.How can you pay tax,when you have no taxable income?,sounds rediculous to me.What a super place the USA is,but there are so many strange ways of doing things,health,welfare and insurance,for some.Goodnight all,byee.

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...it just dawned on me that deciding to take a break with "stable" suggests to me I'm not going to get that remission again. It's hard to consider. My case was so promising in the beginning. Since the cancer moved to my abdomen, not so much so.

You read correctly, I just quoted myself. Had to come back and check to see if I said this yesterday or today. It was today and what a difference it made. Some of you know about my thing for "saying it outloud." It's not always that simple. I process things unconsciously and bring them forward when I'm good and ready lol. This popped out this morning, I finished cleaning my goopy mess on the porch and had a massage. Add to that talking at great length to my son (working from home today), my daughter, my husband and my sister in NJ--it's like I'm a new woman. All is good in my world.

Janet, you make the visit to the library sound so special, even without the coffee. Hope you managed to stay warm all day. I'm one of those oddballs who usually like hospital food but I am getting tired of the same meal every chemo Thur.

Tom and Tee, I'm sorry to say I don't go downtown to eat often so when we do, it's often a pricey special occasion. My absolute favorite is Antonia's at 615 Duval. You can get a sense of it a little less pricey for lunch during the week (not on weekends). Out of towners like Mangoes on the corner of 700 Duval. Menu has some very different dishes and it's outdoors and great for people watching. Alonzo's at 700 Front was more affordable when I was last there. Pepe's on Caroline is another favorite for lunch. Have an outdoor area and not fancy at all. Can't vouch for dinner. The Thai restaurant on stilts overlooking Garrison Bite on Palm Ave is good. New town for great soup, salad and sandwiches, try Goldman's deli in the Winn Dixie Plaza. Did I say I don't eat out much LOL.

Stephanie, hope things (people and animals) are looking up not throwing up soon in your house! I can relate to the back pain and extreme fatigue but darn I never lose my appetite. Good no pneumonia but sometimes we're better when our ails are clearly defined.

Eric, enjoy that balmy weather. You never know what's coming behind it. If that link didn't work clicking on it, did you try copying and pasting it in your address bar? Sometime that works, sometimes not. Don't think you'd find today's meals so tasty--oatmeal with raisens, banana and cinnamon; a fiber bar; 3, yes I said 3, buffalo wings from a box of frozen; ended the day with a baked sweet potato with spinach and a little cheese on top. Oh where or where is my chef.

Anyone heard from Judy in MI today? Maybe they took her for surgery. I didn't get a Care email but I'll go check when I leave here.

Have a good evening everyone.

Judy in KW

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Hi all,

I'm still here Judy. Sitting in my jail for day #8. The surgeon finally came in today to say that they want to operate on Friday. But then he threw out the ringer that Janet B experienced, or similar to it. He said if the suction water seal machine stopped bubbling on Friday morning, he would cancel the surgery and send me home for a couple of days. Oy!

He said he wanted me to spend a couple of days at home, breathing normal air, without a foreign tube in my lung. He said the chance of rejection of this object, after being there ten days was good. He wanted me to not breath bacterial air for a couple days before surgery too. What? I thought hospitals were sterile.

So it's back and forth and back and forth. I didn't get in to post today because it was the normal day of doctors in and out over and over. Everyone and their brother listening to my lungs.

Here's a funny. Gallows humor I guess. A lady came by to deliver flowers to me, and when she came in it was on the heels of yet another lung check by another unit. As she entered, I said HI, Would you like to listen to my lungs too? LOL. She looked at me strangely, and I laughed saying it was hospital humor.

The flowers came from Randy's work. They are beautiful.

Anyway, I should be around tomorrow, unless of course they take me in early with no warning. I should know if my food tray does not arrive in the AM. Sheesh!

Sorry for not responding to everyone, I've got my hands full right now. But thank you for the notes and support. It is so appreciated.

Judy in MI

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Glad to see that so many people are here today enjoying the fresh Air. MI Judy...you can tell your doctor that you get nice, fresh air on a daily basis from all of us!!! I am amazed at how well you are coping with all this hospital madness. You seem to be all settled in now! I was so worried when you were so restless at first, as I know how hard it can be to settle in and get comfy...especially when you're in so much pain. Thanks for stopping in and giving us an update!!!

KW Judy...you should be a tour guide. I can remember when I first moved to North Miami in 1984. It seemed that everyone I had ever known...even vaguely....was ready to make a trip to Florida and my house became an instant hotel. I'll swear it was like a swinging door at times. I finally had enough and made some house rules for my guests. Seems the visitors slowed down a little after that. Glad you're feeling better after your massage!!! I may have to try that!!!

Wow...Janet...you're description of the library sounded really nice. I love spending time in the library but I haven't done it in a long time.

Eric...as always, love reading your posts!!!

Today has been a terrible day for me. Work is the pits and I almost lost my composure today. I was so close to walking in to my boss' office and giving my notice. I am so tired of getting more and more piled on me with no extra compensation...or even gratitude...for all the extra work. I had a million thongs that I needed to get completed but kept getting interrupted by new things. I just need to remember that jobs are very hard to find and I am the sole bread winner for my family now that hubby had to retire on disability. It's so hard when you know there are no immediate choices. Please say a little prayer that I can hold it all together until I can make a move.


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I had a million thongs that I needed to get completed but kept getting interrupted by new things.

Ann I did not know you made thongs! I do hope your Thursday is better for you! And I know the feeling about work lately!! Hugs and prayers to all of my friends here!!!

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Somehow there have been so many posts that it seems I've gotten turned out. Thought I'd already read today's air - but apparently that was another day entirely. Am not going to go looking for it or I'll never find my way back.

Eric, did I read correctly that your employers take care of your tax returns? As a very small employer, all I can say is YIKES!!! I'm never complaining about quarterlies again!

I've only been to the Seattle library once - but loved it - as I did most things I was able to enjoy in Seattle. Wish there'd been more time seeing sites and less at the Cancer Center. Stephanie I hope you, M and the cats are all feeling better --snow is always nice when it's new - as long as you can stay in where it's warm of course.

JudyKW, I had such a hard time initially with "stable", when it seemed like everyone else was NED. Could not get my doctors to say anything other than stable, and still can't, but I've made friends with it.

Everyone - I hope this is a great Thursday wherever you are. All this talk of food has made me hungry, so am off to lunch.

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