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Wednesday's Air


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Good morning! I was up and about at 5:00 so thought I'd say HI. Yesterday was a big doctor day. The next appointment will be with the Onc., I think on 2/29. They assured me that he will take the chemo as far or as little as I want it. I can have the same chemo as before which surprised me. They sounded like they wanted it because it was successful in the last cancer (4 1/2 years). I asked how they could do the same chemo again, and they said because this is a new cancer, and a different cancer, they could do this.

I have finally accepted that this recovery is just going to be a lot longer than the last one. I fought it, and it didn't get me anywhere other than being upset and very tired. I think I'd rather just be tired and let the being upset go. I've settled into a 2 1/2 hour sleep thing. I sleep really well for that long, and then am up for about that long, and then back to sleep. I'm okay with that I think.

I had to laugh last night, I fell asleep on the couch with the news on. Somehow the story on the news got intertwined with my dream, and it got real crazy with a police chase up and down side streets because I stole an ice cream cone. HA HA HA HA HA!

Anyway, hope you have a lovely day.

Judy in MI

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glad you gig not steal a doughnut Judy!!! :mrgreen:

my first thought on the chemo is stay with what your on and keep emergency options for others if need be on the table! if you start a new one then you may have one less ace in the hole in emergency!!

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Morning All! Glad to see the Air open. Haven't had time to read yet. In fact, this is the first time I've opened my computer since I left on Saturday.

You'll see my results in update and all I want to say is thank goodness once again for my angel of mercy Wendy. She had to work in PSL but I was already knocked down and out with the fluid in my belly when I passed thru there on Saturday. She called the hospital here on Sunday but there was nothing to be done unless I was willing to go thru the OR and be admitted. She knows me too well lol. Monday she was on the phone thru the day talking to departments so I got a scanned at 2 instead of 4. That meant time for someone to see me and get me set up for the drain on Tuesday. What a love. I would have never been able to negotiate myself thru that maze without her feeling the way I did.

Missed the BD celebration with Dave's family but next time.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Hi everybody.

Judy, if the last chemo worked on that tumor, I would sure go with it again, just sayin'.

Also, I don't want to scare you, but you are older this time around, maybe that's one of the reasons healing is taking longer, just sayin'.

Went out with my highschool friends on Sunday. A gal that doesn't join us often came this time. She has been dx'd with lc for over a year and was very quiet about it. She has had brain surgery and I think she said cyberknife on her lung. The brain tumor caused her to be totally paralyzed on her left side. With much pt and great effort on her part she can now walk with a cane. Her attitude is amazing.

We have been unbelievably blessed this winter with great weather. Today, tomorrow and friday will be 60 or above. Got tee times for thurs and friday. Thurs will be interesting since I have 8 neighborhood ladies coming for dinner that night. Hopefully I have it planned right and can do golf and then be the 'perfect' hostess. hahaha.

Well back to work.

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Good morning! I decided to drop in and say hi. I am finally gettting back into a few things slowly. My cold is gone but still dealing with the problems from the acid reflux. It takes time to get back on my feet and back into being home.

It is a beautiful morning here in Northern California. The temperature is supposed to reach 75 today. I love it but know that we really need the rain and it is just not coming. Lucky thing we had so much last year.

It is really hard to get started back on things after being away from them. The time that I spend in Louisiana is just so different. I really don't get much exercise and it really tells on me. I eat a lot differently and come home determined to eat better. It is the eating better that seems to do me in. Unfortunately the foods that are good for me in all other ways tend to play havoc with that acid reflux. I love vegetables and salads but they seem to be what sets it off every year when I get home. I am working trying to find some kind of balance that will be healthy in all ways. It is not easy.

Judy I hope to see you post that the chemo is kicking some cancer butt very soon. Take care and keep up the great attitude. I really admire you for that.

Bud I hope you get to do a lot of fishing without causeing more damage to your shoulder. Not much beats a good fishing trip.

Like so many of you I am following Andrea's posts on facebook. I keep her in my prayers as I know so many of you do. It is so hard to watch someone you love slip away.

Well I guess I had better run. I want to do a few exercises then I am cooking a jambalya for our dinner/party today. We were supposed to have a Mardi Gras party yesterday but the recreation room was being used for something else. It is really not the best to have in on the first day of Lent but when they planned the day I was not here. If I had been I would have suggested having in this past Monday.

Have a great day everyone.

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Just wanted to jump in and say how great it was to see everyone here this morning. Funny how hearing from friends can put a smile on my face.

MI Judy...sounds like you're adjusting very well to the "new normal" and I am still amazed by your strength during this.

KW Judy...so glad you had Wendy to help you!!! You take care of yourself!!!

Randy and Ginny....so good to hear from both of you this morning. Old friends are such a treasure and both of you qualify!!

Lillian...I know how hard it is to get caught up and back in the swing of things. I know you're glad to be home. Are you feeling better?

As some of you may have read, I lost a very dear friend to lung cancer last week. His companion of 32 years and I are best friends and I have been trying to guide her through this maze of heartaches. His services are Saturday morning. She called me this morning and said she was going to ask me the biggest favor she had ever asked anyone. She has written some beautiful words about the life that she and Bob lived but she feels she can't read them on Saturday. She asked me to read them and of course, I said yes. This will be a very hard thing for me to do but I a trying to do anything possible to help her. Please remember me and my friend, Pat, on Saturday morning.


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Back in for a little. Judy, hope the chemo goes well for you. I am very fortunate and except for some glitches here and there, I tend to handle it well. At least that's what they tell me.

Good to see you Randy. I miss your sweet face when I don't see it for awhile.

Ginny, you must be a die-hard golfer if you plan to play the day you are hosting a dinner party lol. You go girl!

Ann, it's so good of you to do this for your friend. I know you'll do well. I'll be thinking of you.

Laurie, I saw you somewhere say you moved! Too bad, I would have loved to have met again.

Lily, take your time. Ease back into things. I do know what you mean about getting back into the veggie diet. It sometimes tears me up also.

Got to go read.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Circling back :-)

So nice to see a group today! Ann, my heart is with you and I've marked my calendar for Saturday to pray for you. God will give you his Spirit to say the words that need to be said for your friend's companion.

Lily, nice to see you back home in N. California. The weather sounds divine! 75 degrees. How lovely. Enjoy that Mardi Gras party, late or not.

Hi Ginny, well I'm just sayin' back atcha'! LOL. The chemo did work well, but the side effects were pretty rough. However that was then and this is now. So who knows. I'm feeling a lot more positive about this now than I did a few days ago.

KW Judy, you are strong. You have done well with chemo, but you have a positive attitude, and look for the best in everything and everyone. I can only hope and pray I can be strong like you!

HI Randy! Imagine the craziness if it had been a doughnut!

I slept from 3:00 to now and wow do I feel better heading into the evening. Need to go figure out what to do with the chicken that I thawed for dinner!


MI Judy

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