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Dear Elaine,

Welcome to our wonderful board, yet, I am very sorry you have found the need to find us.

Elaine, Before you jump to symptoms why don't you just wait and see what you find out regarding your staging and type of cancer? I was 43 years old when I was dx.d a stage IIIA-B Adenocarcinoma. I had two lymph nodes that were cancerous as well. The rest of my story you can read under my signiture. My point is, I and many others have learned that you NEVER SAY NEVER and When a Doc says, IT DOESN'T LOOK GOOD, then you may need second opinion or someone with a positive attitude in your new found journey. It's NOT OVER until it OVER! I didn't think I would be here 8-1/2 years later either, but HERE I AM and doing just fine. I know MANY MANY Long term Lung Cancer Survivors that (AREN'T SUPPOSE TO BE HERE) So, lets just wait and see what they say about your cancer, and what the game plan will be.

Your amoung a wonderful bunch of people here and we will do all we can to hold your hand through this journey.

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Thank you for responding. I am scared out of my mind. The Drs treated me so badly, shaking their heads like I am already dead and blaiming me asif I haven't blamed myself enough or is if I didn't know that cigerettes had something to do with this. I can't even tell my own children because I am afraid my daughter will be so angry with me. I am alone and the Dr keeps asking who my caretaker will be. My daughter is only 25 and lives 800 miles from here. My insurance is an HMO and so I must live in the service area. Is a Cat scan and needle biopsy enough? I don't trust HMOs--swore I would never have one but only thing my former employer offered. I am on COBRA now so this is really bad--can barely afford to pay the premium and am unemployed. I asked about a second opinion--lol--and he smarted off that I didn't have the first opioion yet. ANd making me wait five days for more tests? is that right?

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I know an HMO can be difficult (at best) to deal with but I would be on the phone NOW to the home office filing a complaint against the Dr. you saw. It makes NO difference if you smoked or not and you should not blame yourself or be afraid to tell your daughter. Was this Dr. an oncologist or a GP? If he was a GP I would request a referal to an oncologist. You are paying the premium so YOU have a right to proper treatment no matter what some JackA** DR. has to say.

Prayers for you and for better treatment.

God Bless,


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Run don't walk to another Dr for a 2nd opinion. Do not accept their negativity, you are a person, not a statistic! I am sure your daughter will be supportive of you, and not angry at all. So tell her, you badly need some love to help you through this and she can provide that even if it is long distance! Also spend lots of time on this board we will help when you are scared and depressed and will stand by you no matter what challenges the beast throws at you.

I am saying lots of prayers for you and everyone else on the board!



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Welcome aboard. I am writing this in haste as I have to go out. My husband was on COBRA when he was diagnosed. We phoned the American Cancer Association and they gave some very good and helpful advice. Please give them a call, they are very friendly and sympathetic.

Good Luck to you,


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Welcome aboard. I am writing this in haste as I have to go out. My husband was on COBRA when he was diagnosed. We phoned the American Cancer Association and they gave some very good and helpful advice. Please give them a call, they are very friendly and sympathetic.

Good Luck to you,


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I too think you should call the American Cancer Society - PRONTO! Their toll-free number is (800) 227-2345 and is staffed 24 hours a day with doctors, social workers, etc. Know that there are lots of us on this board who are praying for you and many who will be invaluable in your search for answers. Blessings to you.


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Dear Elaine,

I am SOOOOO :evil::evil::evil: about what your having to deal with.

HOW DISCUSTING!!!! That person wasn't a DOCTOR, he/she was a MONSTER! Even bigger the the Cancer Monster.

Here is another name and number you can call for good information and help. ALCASE (The Alliance for Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support and Education) www.alcasse.org (800) 2980-2436. Call and ask for Cindy, or Jan and tell them what your having to deal with. They can and will direct you in the right direction.

OH ELAINE!! ((((((((((((((((ELAINE))))))))))))

As for your daughter. If she is angry, then so be it, she will have to be angry for a little while, but she'll get over it. NO ONE and I MEAN NO ONE DESERVES CANCER, Lung Cancer, Throat Cancer, Breast Cancer, NO ONE!!! This is NOT, again we will ALL EKO this to you, NOT JUST A SMOKERS DISEASE!! Just ask the 1000's of people with lung cancer that never smoked or were around second hand smoke. We know what we're talking about! TRUST ME!!

Stay with us. I hear your fear and boy, do I remember when!!!!!!!!!

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We also have HMO insurance - Aetna US Healthcard. We have really had no problems getting any and all of the treatments that the drs. have recommended.

But, you need to have or be your own advocate. Don't easily take NO for an answer. Demand 2nd opinions if you think you need one, HMO's usually like 2nd opinions.

Talk to your daughter. At first she may be angry but this is love anger because she does not want you to be sick.


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They are right, don't let the doctor speak you as if it is your fault. As Connie said, no one deserves CANCER. It doesn't make any difference what kind it is or if you smoked. I would deffinately get a second opinion. I am on Cobra and my insurance is an HMO. I called my case worker at the insurance company and she got me authorization to another doctor the same day. You will need to research and find the doctor you want to go to for a second opinion. The reason is because they need to know where you are going for the second opinion so they can send the authorization in advance to the new doctor. I don't know how large the city is where you live, but I would try and find a good Cancer Care Center or University Hospital to got to for the new opinion.

As far as tests for diagnosis, I had : 1. Chest X-ray and blood tests 2. MRI 3. Bone Scan 4. Ultra sound of abdomen 5. Needle Biopsy 6. Broncoscopy with biopsy. The Broncoscopy is what determined the diagnosis. I hope this helps...

Praying for clean tests and your well being...

God Bless


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