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I spent the morning yesterday at the hospital talking to radiation oncology. I spoke on Wednesday to my medicall oncologist about my frustration with the pain in my ribs. I wasn't happy with the current strategy of just continuing to increase my pain medication indefinitely so I can keep functioning. So I asked him about Quadramet and Metastron--he recommended against them because he said they would require me to stop chemo for a while because those drugs drop blood counts too. He said he would recommend radiation.

So I said again that I was nervous about radiation because I am already on oxygen 24/7 and I don't want radiation to scar my lung further and make my breathing any worse than it is, but that I was willing to talk to the radiation guys about it.

Anyway, the ARghhh! part comes in here. We have been assuming for the last month, based on the intensity of this pain that I have at least one met in my right lower ribs. The problem is, they can't find them. Nothing showed up on my CT scan in December. Yesterday they did an x-ray focusing on the painful areas of my ribs--nothing. So next week I am going for a PET/CT to see if something shows up there. It would be great to find out that I don't actually have cancer in my ribs, except that then I am still left with this intense, increasing pain that I can't get rid of.

BobMC--this sounds sort of like what you have been describing--any answers on your pain yet?


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I SO hope you don't have rib mets - in fact, I hope it's just a laugh that's been trapped inside just itching to come out (kinda like soda bubbles fizzin' in your nose)...

Much more radiation and you'll need one of those stickers that McDonald's now has about a microwave being in use and to keep pacemakers away...

Sure would be nice in the time of hurry up and wait if good news would travel as fast as bad....and if good results were NEVER finished with a disclaimer of "this time"!

I think of you often and wish you victory in your fight.


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I am new to the list. I have read much about what you have been through and your courage, stamina and will amaze me.

I pray that you find the answer to what is causing your pain and that is no more than just a slight curve in the road to your recovery,


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Hi Becky,

And yea, I know what you mean about the pain and more importantly the not fully understanding the cause. :?:? , Real frustrating at times. I think your right on to get the additional scans. The PET should confirm one way or the other. Be prayin for ya girl!!

I spoke to my medical oncologist on Mon. about mine and like you I'm waiting for the next set of scans which unfortunately will not happen until mid- March. I have to finish the WBR first. :roll: My pain though has not been getting worse, actually better if anything, but I am on decadron, was on celebrex, Vicoden and now liq. Morphine which my doc. told me are all anti-inflamatory type drugs and should have been helping. My PET did show a " hot spot" but my doc seems to feel it's inconclusive and since my left lung was removed there are large amounts of scar tissue to contend with. :shock: So I'm hanging in there too and trying to stay positive. After all, it's in Gods hands as I see it . I just need to do the leg work.

So yea, were kinda in the same boat and I do think you got your oars going in the right direction!! :) It's just gonna take a little time which frustrates the hell at ya with lung cancer. :x

God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

MRI's taken 12/18/03 - 2 brain mets found- named em Frick & Frack

PET taken 1/5 - hot spot in mediastinum May be cancer??

"Absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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I HATE pain that can't be identified! I too, have an area between the clavicle area. About 1 inch down. It hurts to lay on my side because of the pressue it puts on it. I have been taking 2 Darvocett about 2-3 times aday. That seems to help, it sure helps with the arthritis stuff. :D But on every scan nothing shows up. Dr said it could be from the radiation I had in that area at the beginning of last year?? Not sure-but I, like you, want to know what it is!


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My mom too had unbelievable pain in her ribs and back. The doctors did CT and PET scans. I felt they kept "blowing" her off for about two months. Finally we did some pushing and found out that she had a fracture in her vertebrae that was causing the intense pain in her ribs. We were so happy it wasn't cancer, but now she has osteoperosis to deal with on top of everything else. :? But at least we got an answer and she had a procedure, kyphoplasty, to seal the fractures.

I am sorry for the pain you are enduring...I know for my mom it has been debilitating. I hope you get some answers soon!

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I too am new to the boards. I agree that increasing your pain medication is not the answer. Why not find out what the problem is instead of just covering it up. I too have rib pain, however mine is due to the pleural effusion. Have they checked for fluid? Just a thought.

Hope you find some relief.

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Becky & Bob, did either one of you or both have the some of the ribs moved or cut out during surgery. Buddy has had that same pain since surgery back in 9/11/02 and it has never left. They said it was bone mets but it wasn't. It is the nerves from that area of the ribs that is so very painful. I had heard that some drs when they do surgery put some type of medicine on the cut ribs and that helps. Buddy didn't have anything other then sewing him back.

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