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Hi my name is carol and I have stage 4 lung cancer inoperable incurable. It was found after a recent ileostomy operation.ive had I coures of chemo and imunotherapy but second course had to be cancelled as bloods not right. I see the oncologist on tu,essay. I'm 69 years old today and I feel totally lost.

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Hi Carol,

Welcome here.  I was also diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer last year.  What you are feeling right now is normal.  We’ve all been there.  The early days are challenging as the treatment plan usually has unexpected complications such as your blood work.  The medical team will work very hard to resolve this issue so that treatment may resume.  
Please let us know what the oncologist has to say on Tuesday, there are a number of members who have received chemo/immunotherapy who can jump in to help guide you through this process.  It seems daunting at first and I’d like to say that brighter days are coming. You are not alone. 

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So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but Michelle is right; there are folks here (including Michelle) who have gone through complex treatment plans and faced difficult recoveries.  So please stay away from GOOGLE...the data there does not take into account recent advances in treatment, survival rates, and the uniqueness of each case and person.  Take each day one step at a time and know that you have a large group of super people here to offer experience, support and a shoulder if you need to vent.  

You'll also be in my prayers.


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Hi Carol,

I was diagnosed with Stage IV August of 2017. Take it one step at a time. It is completely overwhelming but get as much information as you can and be sure to bring someone you trust with you to all your appointments. If you have any questions, ask away!!




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Hi I've been to see my oncologist today .she said my liver reading had gone up so they took more blood from me and will phone later with results .as I had planned things around the treatment they will resume treatment 9/12 all being well. I'm a lot happier now I know that. And your messages on here are great and so possitive thankyou xx


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