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Specialist for second opinion


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I am grateful to have found this group.  Can anyone recommend a lung cancer specialist in North Carolina or Atlanta? Consultation would probably have to be via video.

The patient, a distant relative in her early 70s who lives in western North Carolina, was diagnosed in Sept. 2019. She was first on chemo and Keytruda. Biomarker revealed EGFR and she was placed on Tagrisso. She developed pneumonitis and pneumonia, was taken off the drug, and has had several thoracentesis procedures. Since January she has not been on any medication other than morphine for pain, which is considerable. She is also on oxygen.

Thank you so very much.


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Welcome here. 

As a community of lung cancer survivors and caregivers, we don't recommend doctors or treatment centers. And with the outbreak of COVID-19 and your relative's current medical situation, getting an in-office consultation will be difficult. I wouldn't know about the possibility of a video oncology consultation.

Have family members asked her current medical team for a second opinion? Does your relative have a general practice physician that might suggest another oncologist?

Stay the course.



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I agree with Tom.  This woman needs her medical team's attention and a second opinion or at least a review of her present treatment.  Please support them doing this as there is still a lot of information needed before someone could even provide input on this case.  Normally we'll share our experiences (some had chemo, others surgery and others multiple treatments), but we cannot presume to recommend doctors or treatment facilities.  But your relative does seem to need to attention.  Please encourage them to get back to their PCP or team.  

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Hi Win, I'm sorry to hear about your relative.  You can contact the Lung Cancer HELPLine to get resources in specific areas.  https://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/support-services/lung-cancer-helpline

Like mentioned above, getting an in person appointment might be difficult right now but hopefully there are other arrangements that can be made.

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