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I have been lurking for ahile and finally decided to introduce myself. I was diagnosed with stage 4 nslc adenocarcenoma in 3-03. I have undergone 6 rounds of taxotere and tarceva with no sucess.

Currently my primary tumor in my right lung has collapsed 2/3 of the lung. I am undergoing 20 radiation treatments to shrink the tumor and reexpand the lung.

Up until this last setback I was working full time. I have now decided to file for social security disabilty.

I have been encouraged by the stories here and pray for all of us.

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Hello Carll,

Welcome to the board. I am so sorry you had to join us although this is a wonderful place to come for advice or support , or just to vent.

I do hope the radiation will do it's job and you will soon be feeling much better.

I am adding you to my long prayer list,


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Carll, I see you are from Indiana, may I ask where. I am from Ky, near Lawrenceburg, Ind.

YOu have been lurking so you know this is a great place to find comfort and information. The info one learns on here and most of the advice is excellent.

I you need any social security info you can pm me. I would be glad to help you at any time. That is one subject I know.

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Hello Carl,

Welcome, glad you decided to join us. I think you'll find as I have that it's nice not to have to go this alone. You'l find good info., much comfort and alot of support.

again welcome and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

God bless and be well

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

MRI's taken 12/18/03 - 2 brain mets found- named em Frick & Frack

PET taken 1/5 - hot spot in mediastinum May be cancer??

"Absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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